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Ashee @yellowblossom

What’s the purpose of our lives 🥲

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum
4 replies

Experience life ( watch movie soul )

Gallivater _ @k_d

Well now thats a tough question. Purpose huh actually i think life doesnt have any Purpose and if it does then each and everyone would have the same purpose in life right! . I think its us , our surroundings, our thoughts which gives our life a purpose and if we start to question it then i guess you have stoped your jouney.
Life is a journey through the unknown path someone said for its upto you that whether you walk forward , live in the past, stuck thinking about things which have already happened or you can just pave a new path as you wish , a path you would like to walk happily, a path you created for you. Its not so easy though like if it was then everyone would have done so i guess.
Living in the past is dangerous for you will only find sadness in it , if a person is living in his past life then he can’t be happy i guess like when he rememberes his mistake he become sad and also he may become sad even if its a happy memory thinking it would never happen again. Personally i think the best way is to accept whats already happend and forgive yourself. Dont loose hope for the light of dawn shall embrace you with its warmness 🫂.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum


Gallivater _ @k_d



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