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3am ThoughtsThought

Unprocessable @422

What you guys do for your body?
Recently I started to feel ki it’s the only thing gonna be with me forever… Iski care krna kitna zaruri hai, like sort of my thankful gift/tribute to my body for thousands of things it does for me…

So asking you all, how do take care of your body? Your skin? Skin care? What specifically things you do?
Please be as descriptive as you want.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pastel_euphoria
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pastel_euphoria

Arni <3 @pastel_euphoria

Recently I have been eating healthier and consuming food that’s good for the body yk? Try out dishes that are high fibre, filled with protein and provide good nutrition to the body, it feels good to take care of yourself in that sense. I take daily walks for about an hour or two, and to walk amongst nature truly makes me feel refreshed, it’s good for both mental and physical health. Moisturise your skin often and drink enough water. I think these are the things that prove really well for you in the long run <3


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