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Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

What will you say to your alternate universe yourself whose gender is opposite of yours?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @koios
Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm
9 replies

Dartmouth @mortalzar

Intersting question…👌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

Yeah, what would you talk about to your alternate universe self? Do you think it will feel awkward?

Dartmouth @mortalzar

Ohh…it will be definitely awkward…in some sense…
Cant think if anything as if now…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

I think I’d ask her how others treat her because gender does play a role in how someone gets treated. I’d also ask her what all things she’s interested in, I kinda wanna know how growing up as a female changed her likings to mine.

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Dartmouth @mortalzar

That is thoughtful

Profile picture for Now&Me member @koios

I would also congratulate him and tell him that i am jealous that he will be able to love her openly without any fear or rejection.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

Society and its stupid prejudice 🤦🏻‍♂️, people should be able to love whoever they want regardless of gender

Profile picture for Now&Me member @koios

That is true, but no one understands


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