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What to gift in handmade to him 🥰 ?

8 replies
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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Okay you are right and i am wrong.
May god give you anything you want.

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😄😄 good idea for you


Gift him your time and togetherness .
Gift him your loaded heart by unloading it.
Go sleep with him under the stars on a high plain area and talk to him all night.
Gift him your memories .


If you’re planning for something handmade then memory board could be a good idea. Well so much depends on his likes and interests, if he’s a reader, make him book marks. If he likes cooking probably polish and paint a chopping board/apron for him. And if you got exceptional skills like pottery or stitching (idk why I’m even thinking about it) but you can do that. Do something around his area of interest he’ll appreciate it. Remember, it’s the thought that counts. 🫂


A letter. Wrote with a sign or a fountain pen.


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