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What to do when you love someone but at the same time wanted to cut off every contact with them?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sahil98
24 replies

You can’t continue long with doubts. Inevitably it will fall apart


Yes, that’s the answer I wanted to hear, thanks for speaking my mind, if you’re doubting something, doubting to the point that you no longer can trust it, then you believe it or not, someday eventually it will fall apart.


All the best buddy. Listen to heart more than your mind. As your heart speaks one option and your mind gives your multiple options.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sahil98

Sahil @sahil98

But if your love is true you cannot cut it off your whole life


I realised if something is true then in the end I don’t have to worry, it will find my way no matter what.


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