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what to do when feeling lonely and depressed? I have been feeling so alone for a while now and it has been affecting everything I do. I am not able to sleep well, i am not able to eat properly, it’s as if i can not digest my food. what to do when feeling lonely and depressed??? everything feels so shitty, i do not even know who to turn to because of how ignorant my so called friends have become. They do not even care to greet me properly and just walk past me.I still try my best to be cordial towards them and i try to talk to them but even then they make me feel so lonely and sad. I do not understand what more i can possibly do to not feel alone and depressed especially when i have put in efforts to be occupied with work or college stuff. Maybe this feeling will persist and i would not really know how to deal with it or how to cope with it. I feel as if everyone is against me and i just can not seem to win this uphill battle where no one is with me. Even my friends have gone distant and would do everything to ignore me instead of actually reaching out and seeing how lonely, terrible and sad I feel. Maybe this is why i am asking everyone here online, to people I have never met, what to do when feeling lonely and depressed???

2 replies

Most of us go through this phase. Start doing something for yourself that you would truly enjoy by yourself. Make a bucket list when you feel good and add simple and achievable things. Every time you check something off you will feel good about yourself and soon after you will teach others the same thing.

gazelle @shypie868

I try to tell myself that “hey this is temporary and I will find the friend whom I can share every emotion to one day” untill that day enjoy yourself and u need to practice self love actually!


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