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One Sided LoveThought


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I am in a new relationship. Actually bt he doesn’t talk to me. He remain online all time bt rarely talk to me that is almost 10 min a day. He ignores me everyday and Whenever ask him what is this, are u really serious he says sry i was busy sry will not do it next time and even never let me to stop this relationship. I am scared coz last tym same things happened to me and that guy was dating someone else also at same time and when i came to knw abt this he left me with attitude. I am confused now how to behave means i really don’t expect from him to talk to me for hours, i am happy in these 10 minutes. Bt when i see him online and still not replying me i feel insecure. At the same time I don’t want to bound him to be with me bt i would not tolerant if that thing will happen to me again. What should i do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite
Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite

Hey dear ,
In my opinion i think you should discuss all your insecurities with tht person. If he understands you then he won’t do it anymore. He will make sure what hurts you and not . Talk to him , and clear the air . Ask him if he really wants to be in a relationship or not … 🙂 good luck to you


I did. And he said that i understand sry i will take care of it
Bt he still do it


Hey i have been in the same situation, just wanna let u know if he doesn’t care why do u care,don’t let anyone make u sad. You’re precious 👉🏻👈🏻🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite

Then i will suggest don’t make any further move , let him now make a move . Let him initiate. I know it will be painful but i think you should let him realise that it’s hurting you over and over again . Don’t let him mke this habit to hurt you dear


Keep in mind that there is a perfect person for you and don’t be too hard on yourself if it isn’t right here, tell yourself that the one is out there, already alive and you wouldn’t want to miss out on being with that one right? A lot of people try to force things, I know I did and I then realized that they weren’t the one and I was basically beating myself up for not being with someone that I wasn’t meant to be with and I was missing out on the one that I am meant to be with that is perfect for me. Keep on good terms but don’t shut the door and let it go where it does, if you need someone to talk to more, find someone that can fulfill that and keep friendly with this one, you don’t have to have relations inappropriate but there is room in your life for someone else. You don’t want to settle, because you miss out on the one that you can really become one with, one where you get so close that you have coed dreams and are in each others dreams. If you aren’t cheating, you aren’t cheating and the balance seems out of place, you don’t want to be dragged around in a non-equal relationship. Try to see down the road where that perfect one is and don’t obstruct yourself from getting to that one…Maybe that isn’t the greatest advice but I know for sure it is true.


Absolutely right! Agree with this comment. Check this out by Mathew Hussey, his channel helped me clear my doubts:
It is completely fair to expect love, care and passion from your partner. If he is not able to make you happy, he is not the one.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant

Amrinderpreet @youareimportant

Hey, I will suggest you to talk to him openly about how you feel and how you don’t like him to be like this. There is no loss in telling someone whom you are in relationship that how you feel when they do stuff like that. And if that happens over and over, then you should try considering someone better and move on in your life as you can deal with it now, but you don’t know how toxic it might get later. We don’t want that to happen. You are important and for sure, you will find way more better persons in your life ahead. See, how he feels when you do this to him and talk to him openly that it effects you and if he will be seriously into you and consider you to be in his life, he will for sure make an effort to make you feel secure. If he is not that one, there must be someone else for you. Don’t compromise today to make your future better as it doesn’t happen that way.


This is definitely the safe and right answer, I was thinking when reading this about how hard it is to express emotional things and how we all seem to have some kind of blockage here and self sabotage, at least it seems like it from my perspective, that everyone will run away from here as if their are scared of heights and the fall (in love) is just too great of an exertion and fear is extensive. I wonder whether there are good ways to condition the situation, like whether maybe setting the sites and making the person feel like they are supposed to be divulging emotions or maybe doing it over steps and working towards the deeper things and maybe chiseling away at it…anyways, I like that you seem to go towards working it out and working at it. That is sort of the balance I guess, one is bottled up and one is openly expressive…The mess we are all in…at least we are not alone in it…thanks.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite

Exactly told her the same thing precisely

Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant

Amrinderpreet @youareimportant

Thanks guys:) As long as it works for Saloni who is in this situation. I hope you find this helpful and we are all here for you to talk.


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