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What should I do right now if don’t have any vision for my future? I finally get into a course that I want but I also used to be depressed at one point in my life and my interests doesn’t exist anymore. I picked a course in my past interest because I thought it could help me from feeling miserable and help me act like my normal self but it doesn’t give me what I want. Instead, it makes me more miserable. I can’t study like other people. My ADHD makes it worse. I feel I will fail in this semester. The thought scares me a lot. I don’t know what to do with myself. What I can confirm is that studying is not an option. I can’t say to my parents that I will stop studying though because if I do that I’ll be left with nothing to do. I will continue to study but also getting a job to gain experience though.

Please give me suggestions on how to rediscover my passions and also some motivations to at least have a purpose to actually commit myself to study in a right way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

1. Pray. God will guide you
2. Watch some motivational videos on youtube, facebook etc. It’ll greatly help you.
3. Talk to your parents about your concerns regarding ADHD. They’ll definitely help you.
4. Have some self reflection. Ask yourself:
-What are the things I love doing the most?
-What career am I most interested to and most suited for my capabilities?
-What are my strengths and weaknesses in relevance to the career I’m choosing? (This will help you decide) By knowing your strengths, you’ll be able to get motivated and be optimistic. By being aware of your weaknesses, you’ll be able to look for ways to overcome it and have some self development and will eventually give you the confidence you need.
(You can ask yourself for more related questions)
5. Finally, talk to your parents about your career. They’ll guide you.
Please don’t lose hope. Let go of the past and live for the moment-NOW. Forget about the past and ask yourself about the present. What is it that you really want? And be courageous to pursue your dreams. Don’t ever hesitate just because of what other people tell you. Don’t be afraid because you have ADHD. (That’s why I told you to talk to your parents about it) Believe in yourself. You can do it! You have a bright future ahead of you.


Your writing comforts me a lot. I will try my best to follow your advice. Thank you for replying. I hope you a have a good day. 😊


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