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Now&Me @community

What made you smile today? 🥰

5 replies

watching child laughing


Watching two other people talking happily on my reply to a comment🤣


My neighbours son is one year old and he came over to my house for sometime . The whole time he was at my house i was so happy and smiling all the time


I was so stressed and exhausted studying whole day so in evening I went to a nearby park to take a break I was sitting on a bench I was literally exhausted and I was just looking at the sunset with songs playing in my earphone…
There was this 4 year old girl who came with her mom and 3 months old brother…
She was picking up white flowers from ground which were fallen from a tree and playing and her mom was walking with her baby boy…
So as I was stressed and some other things and family issues are going on…a little tear escaped my eyes thinking about it and that little angel came to me and she was like " didi why are you crying none look good while you sad" she literally gave me a white flower…if you can guess it was the ones which smell so good I forgot what it’s called😅
Then she gestured me to bend down my face towards her face and she literally put one of the flowers on my ear and told " mama tells me that good babies don’t get sad so be happy smile or I’ll tell mama to scold you" she giggled her mom also laughed sweetly
Her name was Amayra
She was just so sweet and pure hearted…
I bought her some chocolates and she was so so happy
It’s true that kids have heart of God…
She was just so sweet and made my day…she literally cared 🥺🥺✨
I never expected a child to heal me so much 🥺


I went shopping today and the lady in one of the shops I entered was so nice and she genuinely seemed to care about what her consumers want rather than just getting the money. I don’t know… her kindness just placed a smile on my face.
Oh and I also ate a chocolate cake🤩🤤


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