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Emotional AbuseThought


What kind of era are we living in? Everyone is mentally exhausted, emotionally unavailable to their loved ones, misunderstandings 😕 everywhere. I mean is there any solution to all these problems or do we need to suffer for our entire life !

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nakedsoul
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nakedsoul

Naked Soul @nakedsoul

I think we all know our solutions are within ourselves but yet we choose to suffer 😔. Some may not know, but some really do but still they can’t do anything about it.

The universal solution to this problem I think is meditation can help(I know this helped me too but i don’t meditate now)


Maybe meditation helps , but our mind never settles, it keeps running. So I mean idk 😐 just things are wierd nowadays


Either it will gonna be worse in future or we will learn how to deal with all of that, let’s see now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Yes you are right. There are no right solutions. Learn meditation properly and go out daily in a park and look around and observe sunlight and trees for a start. Yes people are unavailable sometimes and it’s tough
We have to take care of ourselves only.


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