Verte @mushu
What is your biggest insecurities ?
(Mine is to not be loved, I always want the appreciation of others even if I don’t even like them)
My biggest insecurity is my body
Verte @mushu
I don’t think u have to be fat to be insecure about your body
It’s one of my insecurity too but not because I’m fat because I’m hairy so yeah it can be a lot of diverse things
Yes this!!!why must people always assume that when people are insecure of their body,they always assume them to be fat !
Just not being able to express myself. Having to keep things inside for trust reasons…
what if I don’t get loved back the way I do and I want!
Verte @mushu
Exactly I’m always insecure about what people really think of me, if I’m being “too much” “too sensitive”
I don’t want to care, what people think of me. It is for the person who is got loved and getting no response from her side.
The fear always continous of losing the right person in this situation.
Being lonely
Beyond @part_of_light
Ok so lets begin with
1) my balding head without hair translate
2) my family business which i want leave and start something new and not have started so
3) no social circle in my hometown
Damn why am i even alive