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What is maturity exactly? If I ask my friend for suggestions and that too maybe once or twice in a year, does that mean I am not mature enough? I have heard 2-3 people to do self talk, which I obviously do, a lot. I do try to understand people’s perspective, but there are times when I fail to. Does that mean I am not mature enough. I hadn’t had an easy life, I suffered a lot to. And that’s why I understand emotions and I understand when to say what. But there is a kid version of me and I do goofiness. Does that mean I am not mature enough ? I tried so hard but maybe I didn’t learn to be mature from my hard life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @elite_gentx
11 replies

Kunwar Pratap @steady_mon...

Maturity is when you realise everyone is little bit immature.

Maturity is when you accept yourself and past mistakes and learn from it, when you become more mature than your previous year.

Maturity is when you work on your problems rather than avoiding.

Maturity is realising to say no is important whenever you feel like.

Maturity is prioritising your peace over toxic people.

Maturity is to have a control of your mind more than it controls you.

Maturity is realising sometimes it’s important to fight sometimes it’s important to be patient.

Maturity is thinking about your mom’s and dad’s happiness more than your dating life during initial corporate life.

Maturity is feeling happy to save money for family.

Maturity is realising wives are not found in clubs.

Maturity is going to temples on weekends rather than clubs.

I’m not mature but I’m mature than what I was. I did enough nashe, toxic friendship and etc. I’m sharing my experience please read it carefully. This is not just story cooking. Hope it helps.


It did. Thankyou.☺️

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @elite_gentx

Rahul R Nair @elite_gentx

Don’t kill the inner child. It is not necessary to be serious and mature every time. You can’t force an introvert to socialise a lot, let them be in their comfort. Like that, everybody has a child inside them. Some people show that side to their favorite people only. Enjoy that inner child, don’t destroy it.


But it’s annoying to hear directly or indirectly that Iam immature. People just give suggestions which direct that I am immature. That does hurt.

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Whoever I ask for suggestions, definitely thinks that they are mature and I need to change a lot.

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