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β€ΊAnger Issuesβ€ΊThought


β€œWhat is love to you” people ask me all the time so here’s my answer.
Love is addictive just like drugs. the things we do for someone to love us is crazy but never lead a guy on an just out of the blue say " hey this isn’t going to work out", it’ll hurt him if he’s really into you but love to me is stupid because I’ve experienced it and he broke me to pieces that no one or myself can fix. It hurt when he left because it was like he took the part of me that kept myself happy and now that he’s gone and i’m over him i just haven’t been myself, I don’t care anymore about who loves or likes me at this point like i used to be nice an sweet but now if i don’t like you i’ll talk shit about you to your face like i really don’t care anymore.

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