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What is love for you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ianome
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky00
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive
35 replies
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That can’t be true, don’t you love your parents? Siblings?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


You be you! You keep loving them, and you’ll find love for yourself.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


That wasn’t love. Love was What you had before pain and hurt.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


Must not be the right person.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


You don’t find them. You wait, you wait for Love to introduce them to you. Stop rushing, stop pushing yourself. You’re golden buddy.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


I feel sorry for you! But I feel more sorry for your husband, he’s missing all the love you have for him. Agar kabhi baat karni ho kisi se toh text without hesitation.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


Sure we can connect.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ianome

David Davison @ianome


Love is the very essence and miracle of life within each of us. It is the part of us that will never cease. We are just soul blind beings that are all truly connected only separated by our thoughts of individual existence. We were given a gift of experience and our idea of Love is limited by the constraints we have put upon ourselves and our forgotten memory of who we are.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive



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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ianome

David Davison @ianome


Hey!! yea I was gone for a bit had a thing to say stay connected I hadn’t clicked on. May you ever choose thoughts and actions that lead to true happiness and peace. With Love a Friend.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik

Swotter @kskarthik


Love is life, life is for love. ❀

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


Must be a beautiful life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik

Swotter @kskarthik


Sorry no my life is quite painful and lonely. May be that’s why I understand love well.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


Well, if you know what you seek, you already have it. All the love that you have in your heart there, should be enough to take care of your pain.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik

Swotter @kskarthik


Thanks from the bottom of the heart, for those encouraging words. I know the seek i want, but struggle is to fight the pains of the past and fears of the future. And all the while,the love is gunning for a friend and a partner!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


Fear of the future? Something that didn’t even happen yet and probably won’t happen, you’re scared of that?
Your decisions decides your present, future is never yours to fear for.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik

Swotter @kskarthik


Fear of the future, used in a figurative way. The fear is I won’t be able to put in the effort required. Fear stemming from experiences of past twenty years of pain. Hope this clarifies things.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


Do they clarify things for you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kskarthik

Swotter @kskarthik



Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky00

Rahul Singh @ricky00


I have no experience but when i imagine about love i think it will be like a adventure of two souls … trying new things in a relationship … Caring thing even more about love you can ask.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive


I hope you’ll find the same love.


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