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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

What is it that you are leaving behind with 2023?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888
37 replies


Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

It’s always good to get rid of those who are not good for our mental health!


I imagine throwing annoying people out the window for the sake of mental peace 😆

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

That would be really amazing! Who are you planning to do this with?

This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Everyone who annoys me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Niceee! If you have to choose the top 3 then who would that be and why?


I wasn’t expecting that, but okay. The first one would be my friend who calls me up at midnight just to ask if I’ve fallen asleep or not. Second, my classmate who somehow always doesn’t have notes and third is my very special friend who my parents compare me to for marks.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

They deserve a special treatment from your end 😜

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

They deserve special treatment from you 😏


Actually I’d have to throw myself as well then as the fourth person, lol.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Why so?


Because I can be toxic for myself too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

How come?


Because a part of me always has problems with me. So I end up not liking myself so I might as well throw that part of me out the window.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Okay! What type of problems are we talking about?


I let people say bad things to me and my mind keeps repeating it to me so many times that I almost end up believing it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

It’s more like you are inviting people to harm you! Which should never be the case!


Sone thoughts nd a successful relationship

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Would you like to elaborate? What type of thoughts and successful relationship are we talking about?


Like the self deteriorating thoughts… which were basically pulling me back… and a relationship which was the best but ended due to some unwanted circumstances… so we ended up mutually…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

How are you planning to fight back with the self deteriorating thoughts?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

It’s good that you guys ended up mutually!


By Working on myself more?



Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

How are you gonna work on yourself?


Like I’ve some plans which i have to carry forward… which includes some mental gains, physical gains, and some financial gains too

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

That sounds like a good plan! How are you going to implement these plans?


I’ll begin with some tiny bits and pieces than gradually grow up into it…with a full swing 🤞🏻

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Beautiful 😍! All the best with your growth 👍


Thank you so much… i appreciate that… what about you?? Any plans??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

My plan is simple enough, it’s to build my career, take care of my health and if I can help one person everyday then I believe that would be amazing!


Nice…You got everything covered… great…✨ you decided something to begin with?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888


Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

Yes! For my career! I am a self-development mentor, i help people become their best version of themselves. Soo Will be posting content for the same! For health, yoga + Gym! With the first thing in place I think the third goal will be taken care of automagically.


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