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Emotional AbuseThought


What is important and right in your opinion…a woman physically and mentally not happy in married life …even tried fixing but nothing can be fixed feeling trapped or become selfish to find love and happiness outside marriage…after divorce…

7 replies

May be the second one if she has tried ever possible to be in marriage and not happy.

Because happiness is a basic necessity to live life


Everyday I go to bed worrying how fu***d up ma marriage is. And everyday I feel one day for sure gonna leave for good. Am the one who fear for society and family, the day I take the decision it’s gonna be the ultimate self care, so personally whenever a woman takes a steps towards finding a new life for themselves I feel so happy …


I have same feeling but I have a kid


Hmm… how r u doing


I m ok thanks…how r u


Good 😊 where r u from


Most important is what you feel right. Choose your happiness. Stand up for yourself. You will be an inspiration for many


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