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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunshine_101

that_uranophile @sunshine_101

What is happiness?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunshine_101
6 replies

It is different for everyone. For someone it is giving happiness to others, while for some it is snatching from others. For someone it is a full month salary, for other it is getting a two time meal. Happiness is not measurable nor it is definable. It is what makes us happy and what our life is meant to be. That’s why we all are here❤️ and that’s what we live for. Happiness🤍!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunshine_101

that_uranophile @sunshine_101

It is indeed the greatest thing in life😌


It really is!! Amazing as well🤍 After giving it to others, it doesn’t get lost. It actually doubles💖


That’s so true!

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