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3am ThoughtsThought


What is exactly self love?
How can we start practising it?
How do you carry on with it even when you’re all alone?

17 replies

I started exercising… I started playing guitar… I started writing poems… I started drawing… I can confidently say that i love myself


Basically taking a little time out for myself?

Crazycupcake @cupcake54

Yeah u got it right… 👍


Alright! I see. Thank you!

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Lily L @muffled_melody

Self love is when you look into the mirror and love all of you. Realizing that there only one you and what you are cannot be anyone else. No one can replace you and no one can be YOU. The things that others or even you used to think of as “flaws” is just something that makes you you. And that someone will eventually realize that and start to love even that part of you.


How can you start doing that when you hate every part of your existence?


Why do you hate yourself? All ears.

Lily L @muffled_melody

By realizing that you don’t hate every part of your existence but the thing that is making you feel that way. For example, if your car got punctured, you blame the car and kick the tire. You hate them but you need to realize that that fault was of the thing which punctured it in the first place. There is nothing wrong with the car and the tire.


Beautiful analogy.


I hate the way I am. I hate the way I’m a burden on others. I hate the fact that everyone does so much for me and I will never be able to repay them back. I hate the fact that I’m not upto my father’s expectations. I hate the way my body is. I hate every bit of myself.


It’s beautiful the way you describe it. But I think I’m the main problem in my own life and the people around me.

Lily L @muffled_melody

Okay, let’s calm down first bunny. You are not a burden, why would you think that. They do so much for you because they love you little one, think of it this way, if you had a crush and he said yes to being your boyfriend, you would do so much for him wouldn’t you? Without expecting anything in return. If you had a pet, you would give the pet all your love without expectations. Same way with a plant, you would nurture it, take care of it like a fragile being. You are the same my love. There is nothing that they are expecting back from you. You father would have expectations for you because he wants to see you grow and turn out to be an independent woman. He wants you to never depend on a man(your partner) who might leave you if he finds someone else who he would rather be with in the future. Your father would hate that and that’s why he sets expectations. That’s his way of protecting you. A man isn’t good at expressing his feelings so this is his way of protecting you. And as for your body, no my love never hate your body. That’s the only thing that will ever be with you no matter what conditions you face. Your body is perfectly designed. You might not realize it rightnow but girl it is perfect. You will realize it later but please start to love it rightnow because 10 years later you will blame yourself for not realizing it sooner, 20 years later you will wish you knew taht it was perfect even 10 years ago and 30 years later you would just want your 20s body back without the knee and back pain. I promise you, you are perfect bunny.


I don’t know how to think otherwise? Sometimes i feel I’ve been through more than anyone my age deserves to. Everything is very hard.

Lily L @muffled_melody

Well, everyone has a different age that the phase occurs and some people deal with it better and others need more comfort and support to get though it but trust me, you will be able to get through it too. It is hard when your mind tricks you into thinking you are alone in it.


You’re very kind and really really wise. Thank you so much. You’ve given me something to think on.

Lily L @muffled_melody



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