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What is dating? What is love? How is it different from friendship or soulmates?

7 replies

Love is a feeling of euphoria that you have for 3-4 months till you look at things the way they are… a dream like state. After that when you realise that he’s just a human like you with a lot of weaknesses, You decide whether you want to commit or not.


🥹😭 hmm… true. So love isn’t true is it


It exists but its not all fun and games


so how do we realise whether we want to commit to them even if it’s not reciprocated the same way? Is there any way to find what we want from them


I don’t know how others do it or what is the right way…i can only tell you my way. When i want to know if i can commit to this person, i will try to know if there is a future with him or not…How he deals with problems, what are his weaknesses and strengths… basically trying to understand him then analysing whether we’re compatible. I will only commit when i think we could get married in the future…otherwise i am not wasting my time…to just have a good time. I have a lot more to do other than that


hmm got u


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