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What is actually a mental peace, and what I can do for achieve that, bcoz soon i will be getting married and this mental peace is slowly went off from my life, and i am afraid that I will ruin two lives, and two families are on stake due to thisπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_


Well, Mental Peace is simply being able to be happy and content with what you have and making the best out of it. Being comfortable and proud of your decisions.
If your mental peace is going away cause of marriage then do something about it. If you dont love your partner then maybe reconsider, this stage is still better than breaking it off after marriage and being unhappy later on.

think and see whether or not you will be happy with the marriage, if you can be happy then you will be able to take care of it


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