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Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

(What I am going to say is about men/boys! I don’t know who’s going to give me hate for this and I don’t give a single fuck if you do because that’ll mean you’re a ducking sexist mf but I’ve been thinking about it a lot.)

I’ve seen a lot of people saying things like « Men/Boys cant get raped » « Men/Boys can’t get uncomfortable with a woman compliment them » « Men/Boys don’t have any feelings » « Men/Boys always hurt girls » « Men/Boys don’t understand girl’s feelings » and it really pisses me off. Because do yall even realise how ducking hard it is to live as guy that gets judged because a girl got heartbroken by someone else? Do yall realise guys can get uncomfortable? Do yall realise guys can get their feelings hurt but they don’t want to open up because most of the time women/girls say it isn’t true or they say to « suck it up ». Or when I see people taking a women’s side in a r@p€ situation just with the excuse « He liked it. His d!ck was hard ». Like come on people! Open your eyes! Your body reacts to their touch. Their mind says no but their body says otherwise BECAUSE ITS A NORMAL DUCKING REACTION FROM THE BODY. I see/hear so many comments like that every day and I hate it.

YES I know women/girls also have that problem, but they can talk about it and get the ducking world to believe them. MEN/BOYS CANT BECAUSE OF STEREOTYPES THAT GIVE THEM A FAKE FACE. YES, I also know women/girls sometimes can’t talk about it either but stop trying to make this them. I’m trying to raise awareness about men and boys stereotypes.

I’m really sorry to see what the world has come to and as a teen I apologise for future behaviour towards you men/boys. A lot of you don’t deserve that and you should speak up more often. I’m a 100% going to have your back and I hope people will too.

Also, please stop gender wars about who has it more difficult or easier. They’re pointless and I don’t see why.

(This was written by a 14 years old girl that knows better than a lot of people who believe stereotypes and don’t get how fucked up the world has become)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_
10 replies

Hell yeah, I got you guys’ back too!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

Glad to know you also got their backs🤝



Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_



Ikr people are always stuck up on how boys can get r@ped and cannot cry. But srrly their emotions do matter
(this is coming from a 14 yr old girl too)


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