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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

What has your therapy experience been like?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khusro
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shiivamjha
22 replies

I had cried on the therapist’s office before I got a chance to talk to him because I was so acared if my issues would be understood. They were not, and I was very upset. I quit thinking about going to therapy for a while but I was taken again.
There was a woman who was the most patient and kind one. She never interrupted and listened to everything I had to say. After I had finished she told me that I have many issues and they are real. It was really the first time I could believe that yes, I am not just an attention seeker because I used to call myself that. So yeah, felt good to be understood.


I wish I could relate to that


I wish tooooooo


I have never been because I’m not allowed to go since it’s “too expensive” but I mean to they want to not help there on child with problems that I can’t deal with on my on.?


same, I had only 3 therapy sessions and they were discontinued because my family thought I was “better”


Pta nhi kabhi mili nhi🥲

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Bhai tu hi de de therepy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Interesting idea 📝👀

Naya @gemini_babes17

I absolutely love my therapist because she makes our sessions a safe place and very confidential.


I wish we had therapists, professional and trained ones who were funded by the government because not a lot of us who do need mental help can afford them. so I don’t have much to say except that I had 3 sittings with a therapist, that too online and my parents discontinued “therapy” because they thought I was doing better


I was going through a depressed phase and Once I had a breakdown,i cried in front of my family. The next day my family started thinking its gone. I am not sick anymore. Little did they know that’s not how things work.


I’m so sorry, pain and sadness don’t go away so easily

youtube @alap

Was not much helpful for me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khusro

Khusro @khusro

Seemed commercial more than anything

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shiivamjha

Shivam Jha @shiivamjha

Never needed one. In Indian society either we make it or break it. And currently i think I’m making it. It’s though. Really really hard to manage all those pain, anger, frustration, emotions at the same time. But we live in a constructive society where we are trained from early age to deal with these problems. Atleast situation teaches us.

Sisyphus @sisyphus

I felt like there’s someone to hear me without judging and suggestions and comments just pure listening every word.


I had learnt a lot from my therapy and grows as a person. My therapist has made me feel safe and heard. My overall experience was good.

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JustAsIzzy @lostlostlost

The therapist said basically I was emotionally wrecked but I haven’t come back because of monetary reasons

Caminante @caminante

As a kid I was told by school teachers and by my parents that I needed a psychologist. But I never went to one because that would mean that there is something wrong with me


I think our biggest therapist is ourselves!


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