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What do you guys think about closure in relationship.
Why it is necessary?
What if I don’t get closure?
*Struggling with a partner cheating on me want to out of this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Closure for me it is just a myth and there is thousands of questions in mind and no one gives you answer and the one who cheats that person already done that things and now it is your turn either accept that or deny that and one someone cheats you that person already accept that there is nothing left in that relationship and now simple accept it and leave those closure last talk or answer that never come


Its right in front of you. You being here , they cheated and they aint here with you . This is closure. Believe me or not looking for closure would always bind you with them , a cheater never confesses as bollywood portrays , it just seems right to them from their perspective. I have been cheated and i have been a cheater too. They have already moved on and thats the biggest closure.

Bees_knees @nichol

There will always be unanswered questions even after you have a ‘closing chat’ … some chapters don’t close until you are willing to close it yourself…


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