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What do you do when the guy you like shows no interest but still can’t over him?
Why is it so hard to find someone else? Where do I look?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @almighty
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ameypasari
6 replies

BiniBini @binibini

If it wasn’t hard it would not have been worth it :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @almighty

People who are going through this will actually get the frustration behind this. Its really weird that two people who are perfect for each other might never even know about each other’s existence.


Exactly… I feel like if we were together we could do so much more. But I cant even tell this to him :(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @almighty

I know this path, trust me you never have to tell your person how much right you’re both together. Its life not a job interview

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ameypasari

Amey @ameypasari

It takes patience and time to know that person that’s why because it’s difficult to find someone absolutely perfect for you, and it’s more like the more you wait the better the outcome will be


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