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What do you do of your achievements and money when you are all alone. Have nobody to share them with. No friends, no lover. How does it feel to be a nobody? Am I the only person who has nobody to talk to? No friends, not even a single one? Am I the problem? It is me, right? Otherwise how come I am all alone?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Know yourself, once you do you open a door. You have been alone all your life. You took birth alone. You faced your own problems alone. You talk to yourself inside the head, alone.

Or see it this way. You never approached to someone for friendship or maybe you never put efforts to stay in with someone as a friend. Or might you have trust issue due to some pas experience or maybe you never find anyone who can match your intellect. But that’s not the point.

Point is what you want now. And how you gonna have it. Are you ready to leave your old patters from past and transform?

Money and achievements are temporary win that satisfy individually. They don’t last long.

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Connect with your college or school friends. Whats stopping u. What do u.mean by you are top? Top doesnt mean others are at bottom. Stay grounded and connect with friends. Join a community or sports if u dont have one.


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