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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @viraj_0

Viraj Shinde @viraj_0

What do I like about her?
Me: Everything.

Her laugh is like a hyena’s,
But that’s what makes it great,
And every time she snorts, I know I’m in for a treat.

Her eyes are two big googly balls,
That bulge out of her head,
And every time she winks at me,
I feel like I’ve been hit with lead.

She’s clumsy as a baby giraffe,
Tripping over her own feet,
And every time she falls down,
I can’t help but laugh and tweet.

But despite all her quirks and flaws,
And the chaos that she brings,
I know I wouldn’t trade her,
For anything else on this Earthly thing.

So what do I like about her?
Me? Everything, even her silliness.

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