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“What depression actually looks like?” people have always asked me this every time i have told them that i am suffering from it. I have a an example to tell you what depression actually looks like. So you remember the time when covid hit for the first time and all of us had to be at our home? We could not go anywhere. We were helpless and trapped inside our houses even when we did not want to. So this is what depression actually looks like. Depression is being trapped inside your own mind and even when you do not want to, you cannot get out of it. You are helpless. What depression actually looks like is staying in your bed all day because it is almost impossible to actually get out of it. What depression actually looks like is not crying all night. Depression gets with her anxiety. Both of them are best friends. Depression will ruin your social life. You do not feel like hanging out with your friends anymore. You do not feel like doing things that you used to love. Depression takes the life out of you. Depression takes away your sleep. And it keeps you up all night and overthinking comes as a bonus. And trust me, it is worse than it sounds. Depression affects all the areas of your life. And you know depression can also look like smiling when people are around but it for sure will be killing you from inside. If you are going through this, you are not alone. If you are not, be empathetic towards people who do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @someone_rm
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @someone_rm

Someone @someone_rm

So true.

Prerna @prerna_05


Ivan @ivan_f

Feels like I’m reading my own words. So well expressed! Thank you!

The @nivee



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