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3am ThoughtsThought

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How about not killing yourself?? Suicide is never the answer

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16

definitely @el_gato_16

How about not k illing yourself?? S uicide is never the answer

Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16

definitely @el_gato_16

You can share with me as to whatever you’re going through. Sharing might not solve the problem, but you’ll feel much better after sharing your problems with someone

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Still, don’t k ill yourself… Where there is a problem, there is a solution. Calm down, take some time and think about it.


Don’t take this as a solution. There must be some other way to solve whatever problem you’re facing now. Just write in a paper how you feel why you feel like this what made you to feel like this
Read it twice or maybe how many times it takes you to understand yourself
But finally you will end up with a simple solution for your problem other than ending yourself


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