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What are friends for?
My one friend asked me to find her a job then after few days …there was vacancy in my work place so asked my supervisor and helped her get the job
But after getting job there was no any thank you or any gratitude towards me
She made me felt so bad for it…like a slave
And after fews days not even months…i knew that she had lied so many things from me
Now we are working in same place and i feel so stupid to help her

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sidewalk_flower
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sidewalk_flower

myra @sidewalk_flower

U should have already figured what kind of a person she is, sometimes we realise too lately but thats okay atleast now u know about her and avoid her. Dont let anyone get to ur head! Cuz mental peace over everything and everyone.

Dartmouth @mortalzar

“Neki kar,darya me dal…”

Key to happiness…
Never expect anything from anyone…

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