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Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

What are 3 things that would make up a perfect day for you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khemdev
Profile picture for Now&Me member @enlightenment
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nuwanda
32 replies

1. Having a conversation with the one I am waiting for
2. Using proper amount of time in studies
3. No fights with my sister


1. Working out (makes me feel better)
2. Not Having anxiety attacks or sudden waves of emotions
3. Getting my work done in peace

There are more things but these are like my top 3


And productivity

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khemdev

Krish @khemdev

One spending time with family
2nd doing pooja of god in a temple

3 helping out all the street animals in terms of feeding them offering water to them and treating them medically if needed this all thing makes a day super perfect

Profile picture for Now&Me member @enlightenment

Saviour @enlightenment

1. A good conversation w/ loved ones which includes humour
2. Good food
3. Productivity and sleep or stepping outside the house


Good health
Meeting my love
Good food


1. Wake-up early
2. Mom and Dad’s smile
3. My little baby’s giggling 💘


1) - no self harm
2) - no backlogs
3) - no skipping of meals
A ‘pawfect’ day for me :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nuwanda

Nuwanda @nuwanda

Moon, music, coffee




Study 📚✏
Good food 🍲


1) studing without feeling unfocused
2) go out and have some sunshine without hot wether annoying me
3) making new friends without feeling akaward about ir
4) clean my room all the way ( its so satisfying to do so)
5) not hearing about other problems or complains( Ik Ik u will be like “u can help them” but at some point it gets really overwhelming to wake up everyday with someone complain about something)
6) interacting with cats! They make my day go from zero to one millon and even more

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Admiring !


Money, money, money😋👍🏾


Good food
Good work
Good laugh

Profile picture for Now&Me member @danish_vasif_ahmed

Danish V. A. @danish_vasif...

Sleep and lot of alone time🕊️
People think I m ignoring them but in real I just wish to see them once a week and spend a lot of time by myself🫠🫠

T @incredible_me

1. Staying alone in dark room
2. If anyone responds to me in a good way
3. Not getting old memories


Hanging out with friends, playing with pets, talking with family


Time with mumma and pa
Sleeping 😴

Aanaya @miss_writeress

for me it would be something like-
1) Reading a good Book
2)Some coffee and music
3)Not remembering the people who doesn’t even think about me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

“Not remembering the people who doesn’t even think about you. “
By saying that you think more about them. What do you say ?

Aanaya @miss_writeress

thats why today wasn’t a good perfect day but I do hope tomorrow or maybe someday would be that “perfect” day.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

There is no such day as ‘Perfect day’.

Aanaya @miss_writeress

then why the question?
Besides I already know this is just a perception of how an ideal day for a person should be like. I already have 2 things of that list the last thing is what I’m working on. Hence I can say that my “perfect” day is somewhat on the way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Alright !



Samar @design_maker

Silence, Peace and quiet.


1. Hanging out with my friends who don’t drain my energy.
2. Going for a long drive.
3. Not having to feel anger, anxiety or lonely.

Earth_Angel @earth_angel_9

Sunny or rainy weather, a cup of coffee and the fav song

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soft_forest_2

Açha Bacha @soft_forest_2

1.Gana sun na
2.Acha khana khana
3.khud haskar doosre ko hasana…


Get up early

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

This 💯


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