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What am I doing any wrong here? I became friend with this guy through venting, even he helped me once, we used to talk sometimes mostly when I was venting then idk how he got attached to me and likes talking to me. Like who gets attachment with a depressed person? Ik he is smart but why?
And when I said I don’t want to talk to anyone(I keep taking breaks from people), he understands but also said I want to talk to you daily, atleast for 5-10 min. Like bruh I don’t understand what’s this.
And his way of talking got me attached to him too but ofc now I can’t tell this to him, and I told him I don’t even feel like there is any friendship between us. Then we didn’t talk. He is nice,tried to help me but didn’t understand. Now missme lol when I vent

15 replies

Manav @manavgarg26

Lol that sucks


Ikr. It’s like now I am wrong in doing all this.

Manav @manavgarg26

It’s okay to feel so… Thinking and timing matches very rarely


Wts his name?


Not from here, lol, chill.




Why did you ask tho?


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