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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayuva

What about that fear of deep uncertainty that doesn’t even let you live properly
Every breath u take u feels heavy
An ache of what’s gonna happen if things doesn’t go your way

What to do of restless inside my head not letting me sleep at night

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayuva
4 replies

it’s not worth it to live every day in this fear. uncertainty is both positive and negative, i mean yes having a negative outlook is more align to our personality but, to be happy we have to be hopeful. please please please, hope for the best to happen. it is not yolo but yodo, you only die once, you have the chance to live everyday, just try to think about all the good that could happen and keep looking for it even in the worst. please. relax.



I trust your feelings. The feeling of not knowing causes distress. I remember since my school times, I would experience stress of uncertainty of questions that would come in exam. When I grew up, it got big, this fear became prominent in many areas of life. Slowly, I learnt that human beings have curiosity to seek what does future hold for them. We want to predict events. We want to do this especially when situations are shaky.

So, what to do in this ?

I started dealing with my emotion of fear with a neutral attitude. I accepted it by saying “Yes, I fear”. But, I also started dealing with it. I can’t control circumstances. But, I can control my mind by taking some actions. For example, I lost my training which would prepare for higher studies during pandemic. It required me to be present physically but the institute restricted that. It was difficult to accept but I came to terms with it by accepting the situation. It wasn’t in my control. I started searching online for options which was in my control. Slowly, I got something better. Each time, I searched something online, connected with people, I was actually accepting uncertainty with my actions. I trusted that I will find something.

Each time you experience uncertainty, allow yourself to feel it , and slowly get on to do some action which is in your control. Uncertainty doesn’t mean you can’t have a plan.

You can also purposely learn to accept your feelings and what is called is present moment. Connect with rhythm of your breath. If you like to walk, dance, or cycle, listen to the sensation of body, rhythm of breath, or surroundings around. It is intentional in the beginning but will help you to learn how one can de-stress by shifting their focus to present.

Take care

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayuva

Wow thanks for the advice 🤩
It’s beautiful
And i am gonna try with positive approach now

After all what u think u become
So why not a positive outcome

Piyush @314yush

Things I do to overcome Overthinking.
Like everyone else I used to/still overthink. Leads to stress and unnecessary panic.
here are some things that help me:

1. Find out what you are worried about, marks? partner? whatever it might be point it out.

2. Ask yourself if there is something you can do about it. Confronting your partner, Studying hard, if Yes then do it! If there is nothing you can do THERE IS NO POINT IN WORRYING ABOUT IT. you worrying will not change the outcome

3. If it wouldn’t matter in 2 years don’t spend 2 mins thinking about it.

4. Talk to someone you trust about everything that’s on your mind, if anything it will help you gain perspective :)


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