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Well…I am living my first relationship.
So I did lots of mistakes. I am not able to figure out, how I can handle it well and good. But the person is completely not able to understand me. I am trying real hard. Just don’t know how I can deal with it. Somewhere I also think, may be it’s for good. Sometimes it’s like, may be I am growing out of it, but sometimes it’s sad, when one can’t see your all possible efforts. Love is blind guys…you can be everything for someone…
Till one understands, its so hard for the other…
Its difficult to figure out whether he is really this sad or he is just trying to get rid of me. But now, I feel really disappointed that I am unable to make him happy. May be I am the person to be blamed but, me smjh hi nhi paayi…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitman_reborn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhinesh_vikram
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitman_reborn

Hitman @hitman_reborn

Then how come you find this app


I understand but don’t blame yourself you did the best what is in your favor and this Is your first relationship so there is a fear that other person might leave us. So calm down and give some time , let him make some efforts and if he doesn’t make any efforts to keep this relationship , he is not the one


Thanks . These words really matter!


I have gone through similar phase so I can completely understand you. And I would only say stop chasing and learn your self worth and I know things are easy to say and hard to implement but stay strong



Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhinesh_vikram

Mr. @dhinesh_vikram

Be smilel🙂


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