Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Well, there are a couple of things I am feeling right now.
So today I almost cried in front of my English teacher during my board practical because the topic I chose was really what is happening right now.
I wish to have helicopter parents again, and the not ones who need to be taken care of. One of them is a drunk and the other has SSD. I wish to have that same warmth and stability my friends in their functional family have. I was in a fight with myself - “should I do it?” “Nah! too personal to share” and then I finally thought to myself “why not? It’s okay to not hide your emotions anymore. You are not to blame for what is happening? You deserve to speak your truth and the origin of the topic”
So I said as to how and what was happening and how it had relevance to my English topic.
Felt weird to voice it out but oh well!
Another thing, I have physics board practical tomorrow and I am super scared.
Also, one of my favourite cousins is leaving because she needs to be back home. my heart dropped when she said she has to go because she has been the only one who listened to my political and emotional views. Heck, my own sister blocks me out when I try to talk to her. So yeah, there’s a lot

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