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3am ThoughtsThought

Aarnavi21 @aarnavi21

Well…I’m desperate for hope and love as everyone is.
I’m gonna be a doctor in few years.I need to work so hard everyday.Most of the time I will be at hospital,not being able to give enough time for my family.Yes!People say that we need to have balance it life.But I don’t know how to get it.I have been trying since months.But no change.I’m still the same.
I just wonder sometimes,what if no one will come up with a marriage proposal for me? What if I stay alone all my life? Even if I get married will my partner understand me and be supportive? How will the things go when we have a baby? Will I be able to enjoy every moment of my life? Hell lot of questions strike my mind.Im an overthinker.I know this might be quite inappropriate right now.But there’s no harm in trying to get an answer.Could anyone please help me with this?

11 replies

Hey Dude,

First of all,

Man you are going to be a doctor, hats off man.

You are going to save lifes, and thats a blessing you are born’ed with man.

My hearest congratulations and best of luck.


I understand what you are going thorough, infact majority of us goes through the same thing one time or the other.

But dont worry, it will be alright, you will get set with your family, get a good partner, in-fact a lucky partner to have you a loving, understanding and supportive one picked from the millions.

You will be alright, your child will be proud of you.

Every moment will be a blessing for you dont you worry.

Aarnavi21 @aarnavi21

Thank you…thank u very much for the positivity🤗😊

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Aarnavi21 @aarnavi21

I wish you’ll get an answer for that

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Oh dear, you are all of 21 and have so much on mind, phew. First things first, stick to basics - honesty, loyalty, hard work etc. These will what help you in any situation.

Love: before finding love, learn to love yourself. You see love is a journey not a destination. You may not pick the correct journey, or the journey you start might follow through. If you are one of those select few who find their journey and able to enjoy it, make sure you never loose it. But you need to learn to be wise of which journey to choose and call off it you don’t like. Afterall you are more important than the journey and if you protect yourself you restart your search for journey. And yeah there is never an age for this. The need exists as long as one lives and effort must be as long as one lives.

Work life balance - one of those never ending debates the world has gotten into. You will find opinions and very strong ones on the entire spectrum on this issue. There are countless theories, mechanisms and what not that help you cope with. And then there are others who simple say balance is a simple myth. Truth lies somewhere in between. The most important realisation you need here is that there multiple needs and all need your attention. Especially in today’s super fast world and of social media the needs have just exploded. A single person cannot do justice to each and every of these. You need compromises, the wiseness is which, where you draw the line.

There is still so much you got to see and learn. Keep your mind open. And yeah since you can’t learn everything by your own, learn from other experience. And best way to do that would be reading. (Another need but one that can do wonders if you really stick around)

Hope this makes sense. WiseByReading

Aarnavi21 @aarnavi21

Thanks a lot…🤗😊


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