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Well i have a really shit cold, and I am on my period now, also my right arm feels like it’s about to fall off, my right ear pains a lot, i have an itchy throat, and my crush betrayed me. Not only that, I am scoring so low, and I have zero self discipline and now suddenly people wanna ‘talk’ like come on
So how’s your day going?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tapish
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tapish

Its all about how we think about our life, if we think positive it seems positive and vice versa, so I guess, try changing your narrative towards yourself. Like say it that 'I’m strong and I can do whateevr I want"


Dude I agree, but this is on so many levels referred to as toxic positivity.”when life gives you lemon, make lemon ade” type mentality


Well this is not toxic positivity, see we do what we want, sometimes we get hurt by situations and circumstances, we get tired of all those things but after sometimes we wake up and hit back to normal life, thats called experiences


We all go to those phase of life where like every thing is not going on against and we are just helpless and what we can do is to just pick ourself up and try to be strong.


Be positive time will heal everything👍
Wish you luck 🧡


You already have the answer to your problem. ‘discipline’ and the rest depends on how you react to things.


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