Well I guess I don’t think I vibe with my boyfriend whom I met 5 months back. In the starting everything was as a honeymoon phase but now if we have lots and lots of fights. He thinks it’s all because of my anger issues to somewhat I agree but since the 3 rd wave when we got separated for 2 months I realized he is so different online, I can’t even text anything funny to him because he reacts in a certain way which makes the whole thing unfunny and then I get irritated, we don’t have anything to share just good morning, what did you eat, what are you doing, we never talked like friends and tbh I mostly want a best friend in my bf that just goes smoothly. I feel real bad for the way I feel, he says he doesn’t use social media much and he really doesn’t so we talk very rare, he is a call person before I used to not call regularly because my mom would be there with me but now I just don’t have anything to talk about but I still try. My mental health has started been low because of this situation. I am going to meet him tomorrow and I have not decided of anything.
When you meet him tomorrow just tell what you feel, without thinking that it might hurt him. In a longer run it’s better for both of you to have a clear understanding, otherwise you will just be trying to please each other in which none of you are happy.
It’s best to speak up , for better or worse. I know it might scare you that opening up may end up in another argument but it is always better to let your heart out .
I hope you feel better soon.
Arman @choudhary1
Just have a talk with him and you both needed to adjust if you want to continue this relationship. You both need to have convos like grown ups and need to compromise.