Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought

Ankita @bulbul22

Well I am very messed up in between my professional as well as personal life. Getting rejection from people, and being in dark side everytime it feel confusing and stressful . I don’t talk because when I talk my mind get blowed. I always Feel lonely from inside. Everyday I feel nothing and monotonous. Everyday I think that whatever I am doing is just nothing to me. I feel that I am getting lost somewhere.

4 replies

Rosh @roshan57

Now that you’re here, feel free to pour down your feelings. We can setup a group if you want to talk about certain issues that we face daily


Firstly sperate the professional and personal shit

Rejection is A universal truth and A necessity too without it you won’t upgrade yourself think of it when you were on initially stage of anything and if you didn’t get rejected would you be the same person you are now ?

Talk with people who can Handel your blown mind and can calm you (these people are mostly strangers)

And are you doing something professionally or normally whic you don’t love ? Cause that’s leads too monotonous , lost and all

And above all these start valuing yourself cause without it you will be forever lost and feel nothing ever time


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