Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

share your deepest feelings and emotions in a safe and supportive environment.





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Now&Me ThinksThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

welcome to now&me! we’re so glad you’re here! 🧡

here’s some information to help you find your way around :)

💭 share your thoughts: it can be hard sharing how you truly feel when you post a thought, but damn it feels good! it feels good to let it out, and even better to be heard.

👤 post anonymously: you can post anonymously to express yourself without being judged or compromising your privacy.

🤝 make someone’s day: lend a helping hand or a listening ear to somebody who needs it. your words help more than you know, so take the time to read and respond to thoughts from other now&me members! if you can’t find the words, you can always react with an emoji to show your support & let them know you appreciate them :')

🔗 make connections: if you want to connect with other members 1:1, you can chat personally with them through connections.

👥 groups: a great way to connect with other now&me members who share the same interests as you.

⏳stories: whatever you share on your stories stays on for just 24 hours. because some feelings are temporary! you can post multiple stories in a day and see the stories of all the other now&me members.

🌷 status: tell other members about your mood of the day by adding a status on your profile.

we are just here to remind you, that this community is built on kindness and empathy. we want to keep this platform inclusive and safe for everyone 🙌

our moderators are constantly working on making the platform free of negativity, but we encourage all our new members to actively report anything they feel goes against our guidelines.

please remember:

- we only encourage mindful posting.
- we give conversations a priority.
- popularity doesn’t mean anything here, all people and all feelings are equally important.
- we don’t care for “engagement” rates on the platform.
- introduction of new features is just a way to ensure that you can express yourself in different formats. now&me is and will always be about the community ❤️

now that you know a little bit about us, tell us more about you in the thread below. to all of our old members, you can reintroduce yourself here too!

thank you for being a part of our community. we hope you find what you’re looking for here ♡

love always,
team now&me 🧡

963 replies
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Salim Ansari @8542800115

Kay hua ji

Md Sarfaraz @kale

Kuchh ni

vikram @adpe




Krishna @krishna2006

Hii buddy



Manish @reserchers





Kaha se hoo

Natasha @animefan

It was easier existing.
It was easier when I was completely sad.
It was easier when I felt numb after for 2 years.
It was easier the last few years where I was wandering without a clue.
It was easier when I was lost in the chaos.
But now that I carved this door, hand painted
this door, put beautiful vines on this door, why is it so hard to step out.
Why do i suddenly find it difficult to breathe.
Why is it getting difficult day by day, night by night.
I feel so powerless… It took me years to make that door, it took me years just build an image of the door.

And now when I’m finally ready why is it draining me so much. Please someone hold my hand from the other end and pull me out.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nick55

LOVE Jat @nick55

Take care… Here is Hand to hold strong 🤝

Natasha @animefan

Thank you😊

moorthy56 @moorthy56


Shubham @saharanpur

May god bless you.

Md Raj @toy


Suman @sumansathaliya


Sunny Gupta @12345676


Shivam Kumar @shivam8903

It’s never easy to go all alone in the world and leave your comfort zone behind but don’t worry it’s all going to be okay in the end and if it’s not okay then it’s not the end. Time and again people break themselves but none other than them can heal themselves so hold onto the tiniest shred of hope and you will beyond yourself. 🙂👍

Bhawana @b2113y

Feeling is mutual my friend


U got breaked

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Rahul Kumar @fghhjif


Profile picture for Now&Me member @vicks2103

Vicky @vicks2103

Can we be friends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sumit1121

Sumit Tripathi @sumit1121


rohit @rohit321

Don’t worry

Aman @amangupta


shiva MISHRA @shivakant

Ye dekho ye gyani baba ke dekho🤣🤣🤪

shiva MISHRA @shivakant



R u otaku …?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aaprinc

prince kumar @aaprinc


alex @xxxc


Suri @sagun

Yes of cosh

Profile picture for Now&Me member @manjeet100

MANJEET KUMAR @manjeet100


prasana @prasana

Message me bawana

king g @dharm


Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyasitsme

Priya,s its me @priyasitsm...

I can relate to you…my feelings are same like you right now…I’m feeling more suffocated these days when it’s nothing compared to the pain I bear from may years but it’s getting harder everyday…


What happen…?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyasitsme

Priya,s its me @priyasitsm...

I’m physically harassed by my parents and I don’t even allowed to talk nor cry… everyday I get remember myself where I saw my crying self in mirror with red puffy eyes and broken state just to calm myself down when my tears continue to fall…I can’t forget that day and how many times I tried to kill myself but just stop with cutting in small and leaving after with having a hope fo that someday it’ll be better but their torture increased more verbally and I’m 21 now…it’s being unbearable along with my study stress… I fall into deep depression and try to cut myself on my leg to get physical pain inorder to relieve my mental pain…I feel like alone and like I’m dying everyday…I don’t want to die neither want to live…I’m just living like a dead soul everyday with holding on a fake hope that tomorrow may change 🙃


I sent you connection req accept it you you want anything to share

Past has gone now
Focus on tomorrow
As you said you are 21 be strong girl
After some years you can work or you’ll get married who knows
I really like you willpower many people don’t have that
You are strong ik just by reading your text
Please stay strong




I agree to you, it all gets difficult every passing second, I think we all need a definite escape from all the chaos


Exactly…I wanna escape from here and go somewhere and live where I can be happy…

full name @usarname





Wonderful poem… Feeling somewhat similar… But dont worry with time everything will heal and will feel normal… Just always be there for yourself and never lose hope.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hello friend 🤍 it broke our heart to read that. We want you to know that we genuinely care about you and are here to support you through this challenging time. It’s important to us that you don’t face this alone. 😔🧡
We believe seeking guidance from an expert can provide you with valuable insights and effective solutions tailored to your situation. We have a special expert feature on Now&Me, where you can connect with professionals who can offer their expertise and help guide you. Please remember to take care of yourself and know that we are here for you every step of the way. 🤗🫂✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hello friend 🤍✨ thank you for sharing such valuable insights with us. It means a lot. Your perspective is truly meaningful. 😊🧡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hello friend 🤍✨ It hurts to know that you are facing such difficulties. We want you to know that we deeply care about you and here to help you. We believe that seeking guidance from an expert can offer you a fresh perspective and provide effective solutions for your situation. That’s why we have an expert feature on Now&Me, where you can connect with professionals who are dedicated to assisting people in trying times. Remember, taking care of yourself is of utmost importance. You matter, and we’re here for you every step of the way. 🤍🧡✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hello 🥺 It deeply concerns us to hear that you’ve contemplated ending your life. Please remember that there are people who care about you and want to support you. Your life has incredible value. And it is aches our heart to know that you are going through this. You don’t have to face this darkness alone we are here to help you. Our experts and professionals are here to guide you. You can vent out your feelings to us and seek assistance from experts. Your life has infinite worth and you deserve support and healing friend. 🫂✨🤍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

True 🙌

54 @huzzuiyi403


Demon_slayer @dumbo2211

Didn’t liked the new update at all the main purpose of the app was to be anonymous and to share but now everything is messed not even the option to hide online status and the grp thing doesn’t even have anonymous feature


No for some it’s not… People are spamming over there by creating fake accounts and most of them are creepy… And what about the privacy concern?


From how long are you in this platform?


Yes the app earlier was really helpful… I’m on this platform from the very beginning when they didn’t even had their app… People used to support everyone and now there’s no comments for the post and when you see the grp literally people are spamming over there… Most of all the old users don’t even feel like using it anymore… The platform is becoming mess and more than a feeling sharing platform it is turning into a social media site where people are just interested to make new connection and spam

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hi! Thank you for your feedback ✨ You can hide your online status by going to settings and disabling your active status. Rest assured we’re trying our best to make this a user-friendly experience for you 🧡

shiva MISHRA @shivakant

Yhi to mja hai meri jan🤣🤣😅🤪

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranjal_5t

pranjal @pranjal_5t


anand jha @persistent81

That is a good idea. Is there one right now?

shaikh @abdul2022

Few mints

Samina @samina

Life is nt easy. Bt we have make it easy and easier
M also trying the same

Anurag @ptanurag

Hii Samina

Samina @samina


Md Kalam @jbailey7403931


ashu k @ashvinkarpate


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nikkiiii

Nik kii @nikkiiii

Yeah…we have to fight and survive …life shows us lot’s of shitty things but we have to make sure that we are doing great


Hi samina How are



Rado @rado

Hi samina

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

That is so true 🙌 thank you for your valuable insights friend 🤍✨

Reshma Jitwal @glory_bhain...


JAYESH BORASE @jayesh123




JAYESH BORASE @jayesh123


JAYESH BORASE @jayesh123

What are you doing now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Heyy ✨

free @taja


JAYESH BORASE @jayesh123

Have a great day

Rahul @rahul13685

I m alone. I really need a friend




Hii all friends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anushka

Unknown @anushka

This app is really helpful. Thanks @nowandme

pranab rakshit @pranab


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We are absolutely delighted to hear that you enjoy our app. Your positive feedback fills our hearts with joy and gratitude. Thank you so much for sharing your appreciation—it truly means the world to us. 🤍✨🧡🫂


Why I am feeling bad if my bf didn’t talk to me even just for 1 day , I know he can be busy also ,but i feel like crying?Is it okay to feel that way?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

It’s absolutely okay to feel sad or upset and your feelings are valid. But we think talking to an expert can help you manage your emotions better and help you gain a new perspective. We have an expert feature on Now&me where you can seek guidance from an expert. Remember to prioritize your emotional well-being friend 🤍✨

Samina @samina

Now a days feeling is become like tissue paper. How we use tissue paper and throw same like dat people play with our feeling and hurt us deeply.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unburned

Aadi @unburned

Tissue paper is only used for to clean our sweat but we should not leave our life to clean it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

It hurts deeply when people play with our feelings without considering the impact. Remember that your emotions are valid and deserving of respect. Surround yourself with those who value and cherish your feelings. You deserve to be treated with kindness and care.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ynp

Yamini Mehta @ynp

I guess everything that happens around us has some reason. And if we look around we can find answers themselves.
We know our situation best. We know whatever is going on with us and the reason and what can we do about it.
We just have to be honest with ourselves. And we can find answers.

palash @bunny0143

So true…

Panther @sukheel


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ghelaninilesh @ghelani


shaikh @abdul2022


prajapati @kamalesh

Hello guys i am anew user someone tell me about how i was explaining my thoughts



Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hello!! We welcome you to our community with a big warm hug 🫂😊. Regarding your thoughts u can vent out your thoughts and feelings and post about it freely.


I want a good friend with relationship

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shaikh @abdul2022



What do u do?

kaba @6354060108


Govind Chauhan @govind1235...


kabir @aans


Md Kalam @jbailey7403931

Looking for someone to chit chat this night. Anything you wanna talk about

appu @appu74123

Hard broken and tired no one understands me

aman @amanthakur1212

Hi all friends

shahnawaz @shane89

I don’t know what to write
Just feeling lonely
Need someone to bring me back to light

Yogesh Kumar @yogeshkumar

Good feel

Ankit Kumar @ankit172

After more than a year i started remembering a girl everyday. The same day whom i said you got busy,you dont care about me enough and we should stop talking.
I got busy talking to other people

But now i dont remember any person just her

Krishnanand @sangita12_

Enjoying too much

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Over thing kills your happens😉😀

Ritesh Kumar @rk_934

I know the world isn’t as ideal as it used to be but still people are expecting that ideal society !!

Joy @joykokkat

New to Now & Me Goodmorning. Feeling great and enegetic.

Gopl @kangasiya


Profile picture for Now&Me member @nick55

LOVE Jat @nick55

How I delete my data from this app .

App is not worthy…

Please help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hi, you can send an email to to delete your account 📝

Arya @arhaan

How are you frnds good morning all of you


Friends forever

Bala @balamurugan


Iniya @mahendran


Profile picture for Now&Me member @mohae

mohan ez @mohae


Profile picture for Now&Me member @mohae

mohan ez @mohae

Where are you from

Deepbidhan @deepbidhandeep


Mohita S @mohita

Thanks team… so nice to see this platform…How to connect 1-1?

Ns @nivinkumar


buddy @buddy4855

I just feel completely lost

Profile picture for Now&Me member @inconsolable

Inconsolable @inconsolable

Life is a beautiful journey that is meant to be embraced to the fullest every day. However, that doesn’t mean you always wake up ready to seize the day, and sometimes need a reminder that life is a great gift😊

montu its @montu54

Bad day😥😥😥

Rahulsinh @rahul1822

Hyy girls

Bimalkant @bima_2468

I like to create a new friends

Bimalkant @bima_2468

I like to create a new friends and chatting.

dalak @bharat12

Like to like

kingnking @baljinder


kingnking @baljinder

Koi girl hai


Hi everyone , I don’t know how to share my feelings , I think I’m in depression I don’t know how to overcome this.

varun singh @varun_007sing...

Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hanh316

Kabir Rajput @hanh316

Hello I am new here …
Heartbreak could be lived with if it weren’t accompanied by regret…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mohae

mohan ez @mohae

This app so nice

Profile picture for Now&Me member @how

Mahendra Singh @how


Profile picture for Now&Me member @rj_king

Cute_boy_Rj @rj_king

Hii friends

nikhil kale @nkpatil

Anyone from pharmacy background here ???

Need your help guys

Profile picture for Now&Me member @divyanshu332

Pathak @divyanshu332


Profile picture for Now&Me member @__akib___004__

Akib Bagwan @__akib___004_...

Make many friends



Shraddha bagri @rammm


Violates community guidelines

sp @mariyan


Robin Khanna @sonulove


chandu @chandu_k11


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Harsh @harsh25

Heyy, i am new here. Because of my recent breakup feeling too low…

Muskan @muskan_gupta

Me to feeling low but the reason is not same

Harsh @harsh25

Whats ur reason

Muskan @muskan_gupta

I couldn’t makes friends in my whole life ? The reason I didn’t know

srikanth Yadav @srikant545...

Hii thing is that im loving 3 girls at a time truly is this happend to anyone

rohan @rohan_07

Nope it’s not fault i guess so don’t worry 😊

Riju @barbhuya

Hi guys

naughty @raghibqwe223


naughty @raghibqwe223

I am very hungry

srikanth Yadav @srikant545...

🙂🙂im new here anybody there hii hlo

kailash @kailashrok

So glad to hear about this platform but can’t chat with anyone directly

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Awaish Ansari @awaish

Hello everyone want to connect with new people

महेश सिंह @damon777

Lucknow ka hai kya koi???

Atul patil @atulp908

See meet anyone

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Sandy @sandy1234


Rao @punuri

Finding a best and close friend

Rajesh @rajmanek


Rajesh @rajmanek

How much people single here?

M. Aamir @mirr

Heyy there !!
I’m new here looking for friends

Zean Zean @jewel


sachin kumar @suvhvpc

Hlo mare koi meri friend Banega

sundaram yadav @savan


kiran verma @kiranverma

I love mom dad

subhash @billo

Same to you

subhash @billo


nilkamal @nilkamal

Honest very true love ❤️

ramkumar k @ramkumar



Don’t trust anyone else

mingmangang @ming



Rushikesh Patil

Manish @maniraj


Hamding @hamding

Hello friends

moorthy56 @moorthy56


sudhanshu @sid12345

Post is post

saravanan @saravanan

Hi i what female friends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @abdulsha

abdul @abdulsha

Make friends

Amirthavarshini @kim03kiara

Hey all. Try listening to beerbiceps on Spotify

Sameer Bhat @sameer145

I need true freindshp

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @zackl

Aamir khan @zackl

Not been feeling myself lately,lost and confused with everything.Tired of it.




Missing someone is the more painful than the anything… Those damn memories you made along the way… Haunts me at night… The promises of forever laughing at me and our photograph remains alone at the hallway waiting for your return…

hari @hari0077

Hai… New to this platform… Hope this will help to create sonething new to our betterment…

Krishna @sky24

Meaningful stories is a good thing for all people but artificial is bad things

vipul @linkon

I m not able understand the importance of human being and it’s consequences.

Vipin @arjunkumar

Insaan ki soch hi usko aage badati boss

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Anushka Saha @beiweiwei

Hii i’m new here nice to meet you all

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I am so depressed…coz one of my frd cheated me indirectly…I don’t know how to face this situation
He was now so happy…but I have feeling for him…I don’t want to ruin his happiness…but tommorrow wanna see him and I can’t control my imotion…that’s y we r saying don’t attached to any person s sincerely…they will break our heart one dayyyyy


One of my frd cheated me recently…it’s not his fault…my own expectation that he had feelings for me…we r besties thats y I shared everything like couples do…and he will be there for me in my sadness and happiness…but now he got a girl…go with her…I tried my best to avoid that…but he didn’t here me…coz he love her truly…but now I am such a jealous…and I don’t showed my possessive ness towards him…coz his frdship very sincere…he didn’t expect this from me…so I don’t want to break the bond
But tommorrow we have to meet…but o am afraid to tell him that I have feelings…if it Hiden for long…then how I will always with him like a bestie

Harish Kumar @harish0420


yuva @yp

Hi guys

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aintgotnohoes

Iavanya Gupta @aintgotnoho...

Hey besties 🥲👍🏻



Akash kharia @kharia

Hello friends mane kiya bolu mera live so Enjoy met



Shivani @shivanisquest

I don’t know…i feel so lost , unimportant and alone.

Lalit Makwana @lovencare

What happened

vijay v @vvv1989

Live simple for more joy

Karuna Sharma @karu_nashar...



I i want to learn and speak English

Mastan Khan @mrmk

Hey im new here

Muhammad Rinas @ktmoosa


suraj mourya @surajmourya


Lalit Makwana @lovencare

Good Morning Everyone

Gopal Rathi @roluv93

Feeling sad



Manish @tanishk8715

No matter how big the problem is,
It cannot be bigger than the solution.

anjineyulu @anjineyulu


JITHU @jithuhs

Why so lonely

Lollipop @takimitchy

Nothing just vibing alone 👻

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dora_jhadhav

Seema Jhadhav @dora_jhadha...

It’s good

Nishant Hooda @yogesg


Rohit Nunwal @party

I am very bad for the next few days ago and thinking about it but I’m not sure what I do

Sandeep Manjhi @sndu




Hamding @hamding

My Girlfriend
I know you’re busy right now.
But you can take out few time for me
I know are ignoring me
but i want to care of you.🥺😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yeji

Khushi 💜🥰 @yeji

I m new here nice to meet you all

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yeji

Khushi 💜🥰 @yeji

Yeah thanks ❤️



Violates community guidelines
Profile picture for Now&Me member @john01111

John Rizvi @john01111

I wants a great chef

Profile picture for Now&Me member @john01111

John Rizvi @john01111


kishan @kishan12


Profile picture for Now&Me member @john01111

John Rizvi @john01111

I’m a chef and I want a friend who knows making food and a good behaviour

Rathi @rohit172

I feeling hopeless and I don’t feel good

naik @chinnunaik


Anushka Prachi @ashuka


Profile picture for Now&Me member @kmlsndhu3568

kamal sandhu @kmlsndhu3568

give everyone a happinesss🥰🥰🥰

BLL DEVIL @wahid_sheikh


Mani Mani @rajinimani


Ashwin @dream_hacker

Thanks a lot for having me here🌸

krismetha @krismets123

Hi.was in a broken relationship .looking for a real serious gunine one.thanks

tushar gautam @tushar_gaut...

I would be interested in a relationship too.

aman @amanking


aman @amanking

I feel so alone in my life no friends



sri @ranji

Gud evening ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gypsy

Gypsy @gypsy

Very good initiative. Best wishes

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hi! Thank you so much 🤍 ✨

shazin @invisible__

Hi all iam bored

Syed munaver. @vijqy



I feel awsome today



ulla @najeeb

Being kind is the most important thing a human should be


Hlw everyone… 😊
How are you …
I am new user on this platform…😊
So if you want to became a frenship…
So you can happiness chat with me… 😍😍

Gaurav Singh @imstruggler

Sharing is caring. If you know something spread the love

Touqeer Md @tauqeer_md

Hi everyone good evening friend and members

Sonu Rko @sonuthakur


reemjannah @reemgirl

Hiii anyone new here me too new here hehe

Salish @shivanya08

I think about for poor people’s

surendra @surendra2480


Brijesh B @manavpatel

दोस्ती बड़े लोगों के साथ नहीं,
साथ देने वालों के साथ रखनी चाहिये।

tu @pairet

Hii guys i have to do with you

Yaswanth yash @itsyourone


Siddharth Jain @sid123


randeep singh @randeep

There are days when u feel like everything is under control and everything will fall at right place and people mostly notice you on those days but there are somedays when you feel like there should be someone who could just come to you hold your hand pass a little smile and hugs you and say that you don’t have to tough all the time come grab me like your pillow and and just let it all out . Let’s be each others peace, a soft corner …

Amit Tiwari @ronald

I am smart


Live like there’s no tomorrow

Pardeepkumar K @pardeepkum...


Sangam kumar @sangam

I want to talk as friends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uglybeauty

Veeny Pawar @uglybeauty

(☆▽☆) this looks like a amazing app ,I wonder how many friends I will make here ,I am excited. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hello 👋🏼 We’re so glad to know that you like our app 🥰 Thanks for your love 💕

If you have any feedback or suggestions please write to us at 📝



Saksham Monga @saksham28


Salish @shivanya08

Good morning 🌄🌄🌄🌄🌄🌄🌄🌄🌄

Jayathri Jaya @jayathri

Yeah tq


Life isn’t good without friends, friends made our life glorious and happy always. 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @phillipaden

I want to talk people but who I don,t know actually here it is easy to share my thoughts without care any persons because wherever I talk people who are my close but I can,t talk because I feel uncomfortable and I glad know this app

palash @bunny0143

Hello, i am looking for a good partner.
I have a caring nature for all and very open minded too. You can share me anything u want… and just go with the flow .

palash @bunny0143

Hello all of you .

Violates community guidelines
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kraa

krati @kraa

Always be happy 😊😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @devil_31

mr._kiran_kheta... @devil_31


aarif @aarifidrishi


Mohanraj @mohanraj


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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dope321

Amak Chang @dope321

Hey… m new to this app✌️


Hey… m new to this app… ✌️ hopefully I’ll get new friends out here

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Mohd Nadeem @nadeem84



feel happy

vikas @vicky11


akhilesh Patel @aryan21

Yes kon

happy bhai @live_again

hello good afternoon

GopiKannan @lonerboy

Tamil people to chat

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The Gaming Boy @lp


RomjanJamadar @romjanjamad...


Naveen Kumar @nk_naveen


rana @sdsds


Salman @salman199


Profile picture for Now&Me member @sumit1121

Sumit Tripathi @sumit1121


Shiva @sst

Hy anybody is here to be my friend…I haven’t any friends till now…

Leo Editzzz @psycho_queen3

Now and me new user

Krishna @krishna2006

I don’t know how to use this app


Someone on me black magic how can remove


Went through a bad breakup,
Rather a bad betrayal.
The pain is too bad to cope.

I was fine with the memories but whole love story became a blame game and nothing was real but a big fake.

It’s ok to end things but ending something gracefully can be done by someone who either cares or they are mature.

Sonu kumar @sonukumar8544_...

Hii gize



dhillon @sukhvir

Practice make invidual perfect 🛐

Salish @shivanya08

Today night u are free so let’s play chat ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

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rohit @rohit321

Looking for some serious talk

Annu Battan @lxu


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shreya @shreyarajput



It ain’t easy

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Rakesh Chopra @rakesh1

Hi, excited to be among xou all.

Gaurav Singh @imstruggler

Aaram do thoda aapne aap ko. Respect yourself


Being a virgin at 28 years is just depressing

sanjivbiswakarm... @biswakarma


Nisan Sahoo @nisansahoo

Hi am nisan from India. How r u all i hope u all fine. Am looking for life partner. My age 23 …koi he kiya 🙁

Mohd Sanabbar @samabbar


Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknownuser

YM @unknownuser

what is this app ?

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suresh barosa @fov

Positives Allways

SHORTS Reels @arya001

Don’t knw

Nisheeth @dawny

P negate attitude, try to be kind. No Gyan at all.



riya singh @riyanshi

Feeling alone

riya singh @riyanshi

Hi friends…i m new here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @9721253232

Shankar Rajput @9721253232




Vino Spark @vinothkumar

Good morning friends ❣️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @theaquariussoul

Anushka @theaquariussoul

Hey! 👋🏻
New here hope to be friends with y’all!🙃

Profile picture for Now&Me member @maj

majid @maj

Turn to Allah before end

Shubhanshu @shubham679



Hi im new



vijay 1234 @vijayyyyyyy


Profile picture for Now&Me member @aman2326

Aman Khanna @aman2326

Hey Good Morning 🌞
Have A Great Day
Thought Of The Day…

Everyone Want Castle,
It Doesn’t Matter, How Big Is Castle…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Good morning 🧡🌦✨

Md Alam @carzy

I love you 🌹

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Tamanna Jogi @tammy_5


Baisakhi @baisakhi


Paras Joshi @paras2004

Don’t read a success stories…
Make your own success story ♥️💯

Baisakhi @baisakhi

Main avhi bhot confused hun age kya karu meri avhi +3 khatam ho gae then uske bad bank po preparation karneke liya soch rahihun…main suru se hi average and below average ka student rahahun …Maine avhi banking po karneki socha hun …par dar lag raha hai ho payega ya nahi toppers vhi 4/5 year ho jata hai par cark nahi ho pata mera hoga ya nahi … Kuch rasta nahi dihk raha hai …kya karu 😭😭😭😭😭

Violates community guidelines

Shubhanshu @shubham679

How r u

exceptional @exceptional

Feeling good

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author
This thought has been deleted by the thought author

among @nishtaiaminlove

I really want that person who loves me a lot


Hiii …need good friend

kevin ojha @kevin029

Life is a race …

Guntur Vinay @surya110


ratnu mahale @ratnakar

I am new for here can any one tell how to connect.

Himansu @himansu

Love is divine, I like love marriage, I’m single now

Himansu @himansu

Any sweet girl here, I’m from India



Akanksha @anxious_kiwi

Hey friends. I am glad to have come across this app. Hoping to have meaningful, wholesome conversations here.

I have been losing my interest in almost everything for the past 7 years now. Apart from medicines, nothing helps me exist peacefully.

I am open about my mental health issues but haven’t found an ear or a heart to share with.

Now I want to cry but I can’t. I am unable to. It’s painful. There’s something I cannot come out of.

Here I am to be all ears and mouth for those who need it.

prince gupta @20prince


jenis @jens

Hii Im new comer
And I need friend🙂

shiva MISHRA @shivakant

You go everywhere, in any app you just find full rubbish knowledge from girls🤣🤣, they just try to tell we are the perfect but how messy they are everyone know. They live in quotes and motivation 🤪😅

patil @rushan


shiva MISHRA @shivakant

Bachna aiii Hasino , lo mai aa gya🙃😉😉😇

Anuska @anuskaitis

I’m bored. Also, I know nothing about this app. Any help? Anybody?

reeja @reejakj1

Halo everyone

hot boy @hot_boy001

hy i am new thi paltform

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_mohitpatel

Mohit Patel @_mohitpatel

Feeling off and alone lately. So, I’m here just to try new things. And hopefully make others and myself feel better ❤️😎.

Raj singh @pradepkumar947


Vishal Shinde @vashal


Vishal Shinde @vashal


kainaat Shaikh @mishtii


kainaat Shaikh @mishtii



hiiii yall

wellness @jhon55

Feeling alone. Need someone to talk and share my thoughts anybody interested can text me

sagar @rabbada

My favourite number 16

Naveen M @navi18

I just feel that I have soo much to give but I’m not able to give

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreyas01

Iyer @shreyas01

Sometimes all you need only Now & me

My Cinema @charly1234

Those who get angry, those people are true, I have often seen liars smiling…!..

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dpandu

dpandu @dpandu


Mohd Abrar @abraarrr

Wo shaamein kitni haseen thi
Jo hamne saath bitayii thi
Abto subah ke baad
Sidha shaam ho jati hai…🙂💓

Profile picture for Now&Me member @beasthub01

Beasthub @beasthub01


Profile picture for Now&Me member @bysbalacdb

Shelly @bysbalacdb

Make someone smile in a day God will make you smile everyday 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @parassaini0064

Kunal Saini @parassaini006...

Hii Everyone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @azim

Sk Azim shaikh @azim


Amar @sir


ooyea @shavaji


Kaneisha @purplestarlight

💬 on how my mom said to me yesterday evening about me not being home for my pup Athena and I just got to get my life together for having my own foundation to support Athena and I. I told my mom that I was heading home and had to make a stop and how she was like okay now when it gets dark it’s going to be a different story and I just so it is, just as she said and I don’t know what it is that i got wrong and need to let go of or change but I know. But I’m trying to push myself to be able to make it work out for me to be able to do what makes me happy and not be all upset over advice for trying to help me with getting on my feet



Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivvv

Shivam Rajput @shivvv

Boring day

Profile picture for Now&Me member @viiish

Vishwajeet @viiish

No thoughts

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dem1devil

Maia @dem1devil

Hello guys!!!

Noel @noel93



Hello everybody, I hope all of you get healed
I know one or more issues is going on in all of your life. Similarly, do have I. I had been working as a teacher since last 4 years. Last year I changed my work place as the employees were getting harassed a lot there. I mean there were even times when we were not officially the employee at the place, and had to work( another look long story) ought to some helplesness, moreover, nothing was paid, literally not a single penny.

Howsoever, it was a tiny bit better at the new place,a bit less of the exploitation, but one day out of no where the Boss of the institute started to tell lie about me and a person told me that the boss will not let me work for the next semester. I don’t know what insecurities did the boss had. However, i feel the boss is a big coward , as till the day he/ she could not talk to me directly.

I get to know about the things from a very trusted person.
I really don’t have any grudges with the boss but this had left me heart broken and jobless( since, we have to re- apply every year for the same job, at a very very meagre amout of money, further the boss says he/she would not allow me to join).
I am hopeless, tired of such jobs, and could not see anything in future.
Have a lot going on, have my test next month, could not focus on it. It’s worst being jobless for a person who was so career oriented. This left me feeling myself as a failure in life. As If nothing else is left.

Doc @letsgosomewhere

Don’t worry

Apple @apple_777

hello…I don’t have anyone to talk now…All friends busy in their own life…same applies to me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unburned

Aadi @unburned

My PM chat is not opening what problem occuring?


Same issue brother

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Update: We have fixed this issue 💃🏻 Please try restarting the app by closing the Now&Me tab and then reopening the app.

We hope you have a bug free experience 🪲❌

If the issue persists, please write to us at


I’m unable to open my connection section , it’s really annoying @nowandme , please resolve this issue ASAP

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Update: We have fixed this issue 💃🏻 Please try restarting the app by closing the Now&Me tab and then reopening the app.

We hope you have a bug free experience 🪲❌

If the issue persists, please write to us at

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unburned

Aadi @unburned

Same problem but how to solve the problem

Violates community guidelines
Violates community guidelines

Goutam Sehgal @cool_dude

Hii everyone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @swaty

swaty patil @swaty


Sreshtha @kriti_00



Even after updating the app many users are facing this ridiculous problem , the dm section is not opening at all , please get it resolved team @nowandme


Anyone also facing the DM / chat option not working issue , notify me


@nowandme please get the chat section working , it’s not working please resolve this issue

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hello!! We’ve fixed the problem. Please restart the app and check again✨

Let us know if you have any queries/concerns 🧡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chavda

shailendrchavda... @chavda


Profile picture for Now&Me member @chavda

shailendrchavda... @chavda

Kay he e aapeme


Not feeling good

Profile picture for Now&Me member @krishna93

krishna patel @krishna93


Profile picture for Now&Me member @liana1121

Liana @liana1121

I. . . Am currently feeling numb. . .saw this app last week and just now thought I’d finally give it a go.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @liana1121

Liana @liana1121

Any other chirstians here? Struggling with faith and motivation to move on?

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anil kumar @ani520

Always keep smiling 😃 and makes other feel happy by smiling 😃

sarit @sarit21

I want to make♏🅰🎋📧 some frends

18RUEC002 @abisha

I want to learn how to speak

Muthukumar @muthukumar

I want some Love one

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Sharkh Khan @6384429844


Profile picture for Now&Me member @13612629

Javed Khan @13612629


rocky @rocky63

something missing in life

rocky @rocky63

missing something in life vacant like a empty pot


Hi there I’m interested in india today success day program 👍👍💥

Vivek mishra @_vivek


Ismail Ahmed @kingismail69

I want to start something for which I am going to take a big risk so I want to muster my courage for it but am not able to do so. Can someone help me to acquire the strength for it?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignored_guy

Unknown @ignored_guy

Looking for some secret friends…to share some stuffs of Life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starkwolf_girl

aarya stark @starkwolf_gi...

Hello everyone,
I actually don’t know about this app
But still i feel like i am at the right place,

mushtaq.ahmed @mushtaq


Profile picture for Now&Me member @minion_2326

Sabitha 2326 @minion_2326

If ur ego speaks my attitude replies u😈

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R Rkumar @fuytru


singh @devyansh01

Anyone bored?.dm for normal chat.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fateh

fateh alle @fateh

"Umbrella is comfort, rain is life! .


Addicted to random chat app. Now trying to find out peace.

NTR @ntr



Addicted to online ranfo. Stranger chatting. Its waste of time. But now m trying hard to come out of this.

piyush @amtsrv

I am from Lucknow job in government departments searching a good female friend here

Mustafa Khan @055276


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eex @eex


arun appa @arunbhai



Just here

mohammed @mohammee

Simple and humble

raja @chhote


singh @nind


singh @nind

God bless you




Love someone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harshit_mitra

Harshit Mitra @harshit_mit...

Hate Saturday Working 🥺😓

Ashish Paul @rohit1234567


Profile picture for Now&Me member @pogan123

poganvel @pogan123

I love my family


Hi I m new here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mrdc

Mr. DC @mrdc

“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.”

Sadiya Shamim @sadiya2002

Im new here !!!💜

Yoyo Rider @yoyorider


Profile picture for Now&Me member @ritikthakur

Hritik Singh @ritikthakur

I like sexy girls

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hackluv

vaishnavi @hackluv

Healing from breakup and started making new friends to change my mindset 😌✨

sumit salve @salve


sijo @sijojooo


John Philips @bachan


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Profile picture for Now&Me member @xieniear

xieniear @xieniear

Well I want to draw smtg new but I have no idea what too



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yrt h @sunnyburrah

I m glad that I am here 😁

lalit kumar @lalit1996

Anyone from India?

Hardik Kambad @hardikkamba...

Hello gyse


Hello gyse

suraj salve @salvesuraj


aman @pte

कैसे उसने ये सब कुछ मुझसे छुपकर बदला
चेहरा बदला रस्ता बदला बाद में घर बदला
मैं उसके बारे में ये कहता था लोगों से
मेरा नाम बदल देना वो शख़्स अगर बदला

Profile picture for Now&Me member @msaini

manav @msaini

I am also new to this app …
But I think we both are at right place 😉😉

Profile picture for Now&Me member @msaini

manav @msaini

I am here for the people who can match my vibe

Nitesh kumar @niteh

Hi 😟

Nivedita @i_donno_my_name

Happy to talk as always 😊🙃


Sexy gym romance


Hi, home doesn’t feels like home, i left my home, i don’t want to talk to anyone there, then i feel guilty about it.

aman @pte

waiting to

Doyel Ghosh @doyel9034

Feeling low

BEWDA666 @bewda666


iqra khan @iqrahoe

Tbh, I don’t know. Just trying to figure this app out.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranjal_5t

pranjal @pranjal_5t

Hiii i am new here 😁

Patil Saheb @patil_shaeb

Actually I’m new here and don’t know how to use this appp

Patil Saheb @patil_shaeb

I’m also new here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @arunkumar7885

arun @arunkumar7885


Profile picture for Now&Me member @arunkumar7885

arun @arunkumar7885


Pradeep Kumar @pk370355_gi


sanju sarathe @saratheji

Learning for english

Akshay Shelke @akki4769

Happy soul


People always forget the 10 good things done by you…but they always point you for one bad thing done by you.
So be careful in your life whatever you do in life please think before everything 🙂🙂.

sanjeev goud @lucifer28

I want talk with someone bcoz i am feeling alone if anyone want to talk with me then I am here

Zaid ansari @8871195209


Zaid ansari @8871195209

Zaid Ansari

ssin @ssin

Hi everyone

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naindana @indan

Why does being alone hurt so much. Why does that affect us so much. Is it because you don’t have anyone tonshare what you are going through…
Yes I’m not well… I’m not feeling good… I’m sad… I’m hurt… I’m lonely… And i can’t take it anymore… For the past two hours I’m crying because I don’t want to be alone… Ive never been this weak my entire life… 🥺

muthu @muthu7477


pravin @prav1986

Feeling lonely

Naveen Naveen @naveen___

To make good friends 💫❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hey_ritik

Ritik @hey_ritik

I am at that phase in life where you need someone special to talk.

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Nani @nani_theraider

Thank you

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @anjaliservice

Anjali Chetia @anjaliservi...

If anyone wants service please DM me

Furqan Khan @furqaan_khaa...


partha @parthakuttie

Hi all , This is the first chat for me in this app , I am so interested to have conversation with all,

raza @mohsinay

Hii i am
Mohsin Raza

Priti Singh @prettypretty

New here dk who will interact lol

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mr_yash_4904

yash @mr_yash_4904

I don’t know why but I wanna fight someone really hard but everyone i speak they just be my friends within 2 or 3 min and i do wanna be someone’s forever but everytime I love someone just gives me some memories and leaves

Pearl Pearson @scarlet03

I think I’m becoming a bitter person. I’m terrible. I acknowledge it and want to change but somehow I just can’t. I keep on doing the same things to the people I love.


Any one can chat me



Farhan @farhan69

Any one is there

Nikhil @2412nikhil


Profile picture for Now&Me member @kkgsr

Anonymous 001 @kkgsr

When the world around you shuts down itself, you have nowhere to go.
You see the stars shining in the gloomy sky, winds howling, moon hiding its face within clouds.
You look at the stars and think, why is it always you.

marvl @morvl

Nothing is meaningless

jasmeet singh @jerry_tom

Do good always no matter anyone is seeing us…
Keep doing good all time. …
If someone is doing bad to you don’t worry about it…
You keep doing great 🙂❤️👍
Always head up & take a long breath and start new journey of life. Life is soo beautiful
Just dream or work on it
It take time … to get our dreams come true but believe me it become real one day
But you have only one thing if u have that one thing u get all what you dream it is not money it is not respect it is not skill or something else
It is one and only patience
How long you take patience your dream come near ❤️💯👍
It may take 1hour 1day 1year 10 year …but it come true you have to work on it I gaurntee you that your dream comes true but don’t lose hope what people thing what all society say fu…k of them keep doing .good and work on your dreams …🙂🙂🙂💐💐💞💞💯❤️🍰🍰

Fareeha Manal @juneee07

Idk i ant to sext someone yk try it for the first time





Profile picture for Now&Me member @nzar

Sharad @nzar

Kay ✍️ likhu tu ☝️ raj hai…!

aswin jp @aswii79



Why is it we yearn for knowledge and then get upset about what we learn? Sometimes I wish the wool could be pulled back over my eyes.

Mohammed @6395154121





Hi iam new

anand jha @persistent81

You will get thru

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Vivek Kumar @8307994960


Profile picture for Now&Me member @aradhya_55

Aradhya singh @aradhya_55

I believe in matching vibes of people from inside nothing else , I don’t judge people by looks or anything else.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @surelynotparth

parth @surelynotparth

Roses are red, lemons are sour
Spread those chicks, and gib me an hour


What hurts is all those time lost… the precious time you focussed on a person… it wasn’t needed at all… should haveinded your own life and business and moved on…
what a stupid decision that was… 🤦🤦🤦


I’m feeling not good now…😞😞

Rohini @roshini23

Making something best


Making something best

Sudeshna @sudeshna

I’ve been trying to understand why is it always so difficult to move on. Be it a person or a place or just a phase of life, no matter how worthless it might have been, it’s always so difficult pick up normal rhythm of life after any sort of detachment

lucky Rahul @lucky78

Welcome to All

Munna kumar @munna95366353...


Mahendra Rrao @mahendrarao


Profile picture for Now&Me member @sonusaheb00

sonu yadav @sonusaheb00

Nahi zara kisi ko connection request, I want to express my emotion ,du gaali , 😒 interface insta ka chize Twitter ki , naye logo ke palle nahi pad Raha kya kare ,

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jjadhav373

Jotiba Jadhav @jjadhav373

Willing for new friends ?..

Profile picture for Now&Me member @brownweirdo

Name @brownweirdo

Missing harshad

Lokanshu Kumar @lokesh_sha...

A Day start will sad ending…

Ranva Hitendra @ranvahites...



My girlfriend left me saying that she doesn’t want to be in this relationship anymore… She acclaimed that she’s selfish, she acclaimed that she never loved me and faked it for five months all along, she said that i was a bit too possessive and liked to tell the truth always no matter if it hurts her, she blocked me from everywhere, what do you guys think?
Please share unbiased opinion, thank you

Shubham @shubham_2004

No interest in life feeling lonely,
Never thought that I will experience such a space in my life

VIRAJ PATEL @_showtime

New @Now&me

Any startup ideas ?

prathamesh @prathu123

Hi I’m boy intresr become online friends

Shivi Sarin @maxwell




Profile picture for Now&Me member @silentchaos

Secrecy @silentchaos

I used to think loneliness led to depression…
But one day, I realised that the reason depression starts isn’t loneliness…
It’s that feeling you get when you see someone else caring for somebody while other in your life only made you feel unworthy of receiving that same kind of caring…

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hanna parveen @unknownstar...

Me and my bestie has fallen for the same guy ,but she dont know that i have a crush on him and iam feeling really weird i think she deserve hime more than myself iam feeling weird what should i do?

Priti Jena @priti_jena

Hey! Today’s day sucked because I thought I could escape from Presentations but guess I just couldn’t. So I have to present on Thursday. And trust me I don’t want to. Ughhh



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I am not happy at all right now





Blueblackshoe @abbas_0

I’m really new to this platform, So looking for some good friends and just to talk for sometime as I’m doing wfh and needs someone to understand and vice versa

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Mejomathew @mejo


Sidhi Agarwal @sidhi6621

I there anyone who could suggest some advice ryt now if yes please text personaly

gifdu @bagavan


Anonymous @harshita25

I want to stop overthinkinggggg i am so doneeee

darshan @darshan1

Shering is key to know each other better.

idfyu @jihh


mani @mani12

Finding some angels to have fun conversations…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sameerkd

Sameer Kd @sameerkd

Hello nice girl desi aunty I’m boy

chittarikusumav... @kusumavarma

Bts …

mayur jain @mj143

Belive in yourself

이효리Lee Hyo-Ri @roses_are_r...

I think you must be self dependent

Profile picture for Now&Me member @luci9331

sayan biswas @luci9331

Life is painful, but I love it & enjoy it.

Vedika Chauhan @brightsoul

Imperfection is beauty,madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring 🪴

ali @niyaj


sakthi @sakthi26

Hi I’m physical education teacher

Profile picture for Now&Me member @abhishek001

@bhí$hék @abhishek001

It’s ok to be alone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si

NAINA @naina_si

Where ever i go i find pain where is the happy face?

Hardik Dewan @karandewan

Wo darakhto pe baandh
ke chala gaya mohabat apni,

Aur ik tu hai ki khuda ke
dar pe sajdey ko na jhuka

Pritha Das @mishti_02

To be alive is a precious thing - don’t forget that and don’t minimize your own existence. Don’t doubt how important you are.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ekta_roy

Ekta Roy @ekta_roy

You know , everything changes .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ekta_roy

Ekta Roy @ekta_roy

don’t trust people . thank me later :/

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @meera_99

Kittu Saini @meera_99

Life is too short… So enjoy every moment of life🙂

Violates community guidelines

Beau @ryder


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shiva g @shiva_g


Profile picture for Now&Me member @saurabh369

S Tiwari @saurabh369

Don’t regret my past just regret the time I have waste with wrong people

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @baetvc

cherry @baetvc

I am so disturbed with phone and confused how should I stop using phone and study

nikhil @nikhilt

Hello frnds

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yash raj @yashpandey13

Sahi baat ha yrr ❤️


Sometimes someone makes you feel so good ,so special and then all of a sudden they just make you feel that you don’t matter at all
They get busy with their work
Don’t talk to you at all
.The very same person who used to talk for hours
Doesn’t even talk now for five minutes
That does hurt doesn’t it…

jethva @vijay1215


Pollen @midhu

Why do I go back to my oldself again and again after all the effort I’ve put in to reach a stable state

vadhiya mayur @mayurvadhiy...


vadhiya mayur @mayurvadhiy...

My wattsap no 6355232907

catty cat @catty


Harish Grover @harry123456

I believe in positivity

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Vidisha @vids1001

So i gave my exam 2 weeks ago for which i was preparing since last year…this was my 2nd attempt for undergraduate program…couldn’t do it even after taking a 2nd chance…i won’t say that the exam is difficult but also i feel i didn’t put up my 100% into it
But also it is a difficult exam and i shouldn’t say that but i tried!I fucking tried!

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Kevin D @kevin612

Good Morning everyone… It’s been a chill morning, moreover it’s Friday…!!
Keep a smile on your face and have fun…!!

Afsar Khan @afsar

Hai laxmi

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It’s very difficult to control your feelings with someone whom you were in close relationship and you met after a long time because of some or the reason 😉

Aiden Azariah @aid

I’m feeling very depressed as I did not do well in neet this year and this was my third time. I know my family is very dissapointed but it hurts worse when I know I’m the one who screwed up. I’m just writhing in misery. I always wanted to make them proud but I’m the worst example of failure now. I am thinking of going for b. Sc nursing but the thought of it also makes me scared thinking I might fail too. And trying again for neet also seems hopeless because I’m afraid I might end up like the previous years. My mind is in a turmoil, I don’t know what to do or think anymore.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_og

Gill Rohit @its_og

Some people just look us, they find what they want

Budhram Nayak @budhram


Budhram Nayak @budhram


Gershom Shanth @gershom

Hlo guys I want share some thing to u guys I am rider I love a girl she is studying in collage I said I love you so much she saids to me see your status
I said to him I have all of things

Ishan Sardar @ishansardar




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king g @dharm

I’m New hear

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rupsa

rupsapsewali @rupsa


Empire @chisto_zy


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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nohmood

yahvi @nohmood

I appreciate uur so warm wlcm

Meet Soni @meet_18

Ya I’m here can we talk??


I am here to listen to people who wants to have a meaningful conversation or share their life experiences …

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tokas

Tokas.. @tokas

Feeling lonely and trying to find someone who can stay with me…

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ved yardi @vedx

Feeling good so far

alex @btwalexhere


shaikh @abdul2022


shaikh @abdul2022

Good Friends is best part our life

Mithu Alongir @roz

Take care

Profile picture for Now&Me member @remember_me

Rosa @remember_me

Why I m still awake, Don’t know …maybe,
I m awake in someone’s dreams

Theresa @airmonshionlez

Imagine being in a situation where you are supposed to feel pain, but yet you feel nothing! How do you handle it?


It’s 4am, and here I am. Just wondering if I will ever be able to find my way through this journey of life.

I heard somewhere that the best thing about traveling with a destination is - You are never lost and you are never late.

So, just trying to keep this as my motto and traveling my way through this journey without having a destination.

Sakshi Gyani @sakshisasha

Is it a must to have a partner? Can’t we appreciate our own company?

binge movie @laksh1

Its ok to get broke but its not ok to let other exploit yourself.

deep chahal @deephd

always smiling but hurt💔


I have been Loxified by my wife.

Kamal @kamalki

Eager to enjoy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @riu

riya suman @riu

Thanks 🥰🥰

call @_jdjd__

It’s not always about time and energy sometimes it’s about efforts n swathe … you did for them

Profile picture for Now&Me member @para

Pragati @para


san shur @trisha13

I am person with no worries means I have a perfect life . But I am not satisfied with it. I want to try some crazy things but being a good person I can’t do it. I really want to skip chapter of being good🙃

Ann.b.Jacob @its_sinamiika

Life is very beautiful 💕

Vijay Gupta @vijaygoray

Hal haal mey khus

Aditya Kumar @sunamikara

My thoughts is rich people of India

Neha Sharma @neha_sharma

I love a guy we’ve four year of relationship and he get change he confess that he is cheating on me when yesterday we met also he slap me in front of his friends and pull my hairs and through me out now I don’t know how to overcome it don’t have any friend to share with pls hell me

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No judgement zone, I am always up to hear you my friend, I’m a good listener xd

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harsh1248

Harsh Patel @harsh1248


Grumpy @grumpy

i just found this app…i hope someone could help me out…i had a fight with my boyfriend yesterday over a small thing …nd now he is acting really wierd …m soo hurt …i talked to him an hrs ago …nd i felt like crying coz of his behaviour so i cried about an hrs …😅 m done with crying…i think m super sensitive 😅

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivam_

Shivam Gupta @shivam_

Alone 😒

Didi @swathikasri

Hai ,this is my first time in a app like this hope to make some good and great ppl in future🙂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mim009

ilyas mir @mim009

Hi, welcome.

Uday Kumar @uday_kumar

Anyone telugu ??

merin @merin1994

Live let live

merin @merin1994

I just thought how badly I wnat to become invisible

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qwert @asdf3434



Hi all, dis is me… I’m 29 , Bong girl, free-spirited, science buff, travel enthusiast, bibliophile, introverted and shy. I would love to connect wid people here and listen to anyone who would like to share. Mostly available everyday between 10:00 -11:55 pm.

rafik chunger @chunger


Tony L @xcal46x

I’m a very lonely person. I’ve been cheated on beat on and talked about a lot which is why I stay to myself. I like to see everyone smile even though my heart hurts. I’ve been this way for over ten years. I feel like my life’s just a joke.

Christina @christibi

Hi 🙂… I don’t even know what to say I’ve been so empty lately.

Romesh @romeshkumar

Making different type of photo in different flowers

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tejesh_ly7

Tejesh Sarswat @tejesh_ly7

Hey guys how are you

Anna English @anna_19


I Kevna @khevna

Why my husband hates me. He always scolds me and my daughter’s he totally behave strange I am like with patience tolerating him, feel like committing sucide. But I have child who is dependent seeing her face I am alive. I am working women i support financialally home then tooo hell with him. He always scolds for everything that to with loud voice. My eyes always with tears even my daughter. We two ll be happy untill he steps inside house. Y men’s are like this not even keeping anyone happy. At my office my boss. It’s like male I am surrounded by male domination place. Everywhere male dominating. I want my daughter atleast to be free from it. What the hell can I do. Coming to my parents they are God no words about it. I. Scared to even to talk to them bcoz of selfish and ego brother.

Muzzammil @fghui

Live and fuck everyone

Mahomes 10i @ryangosling

I simply am not there

Prici0us_Pearl @june_bloss...


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Eric Palmore @eric

I’m going through a lot I don’t have no 1 to talk to about my I really need help please

Eric Palmore @eric

I’m just a fucked up person that’s how I feel and think

Eric Palmore @eric

I do drugs and I’m in bankruptcy I have a son I take care of but he doesn’t want to live with me or my family I’m so depressed loneliness worthless hopeless I don’t have no life


hello, thank you Now & me.
I am new here. Hope I can express my feelings here without judging me.

maddy @maddy000t

Confess your self i will listen to all

Basheer vs @basheer


lalji.R.sardhar... @lalji


Violates community guidelines


Nathuram Sutar @nathuram


Sardar @manmeetsingh83

हेल्लो friends

Sardar @manmeetsingh83

हेल्लो फ्रेंड्स

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yona

million time @yona

Hey I’m yona

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Vipin Lal @vipi



HI, New here

dimple @dimple18

Khud ko khoya toh kya paaya!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vikranth

Bheemisetty @vikranth

To became any type of good person in in my life.I want to become famous.

B s @bootsbekha

Feeling all the feels,up for some good conversations

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @priz

Introvert ✨ @priz

I’m here to find a person to chat with and to make good friends !✨💗

Akshay Shelke @akki4769



Life is messy ,have to focus but cant do ,feels like I’m long tierd.


Life is messy , have to do a lot ,focus more but cant do feels like I’m long tierd ,lonely .

Naruto @kehav

Anyone up for a chat?


Kabhi mudke na dekha usne
Jab khade the hum whi
Jab khabar aayi
To kaha humne
Ab marenge hum yahi

Victoria Joe @veesexy



सुबाह से शाम बस एक ही काम…
हर लड़की से कहते हम सिर्फ तुम्हारे हैं जान…
तुम्हारे प्यार में दुनिया से लड़ जाएंगे…
तुम हां तो करो आसमान से चांद ले आएंगे…
सुबह किसी को घुमाएंगे मॉल…
शाम को बिजी एनअदर कॉल…
तुम मैच्योर नही कह कर भागेंगे…
किसी और के लिए अरमान जब जागेगें…
ब्रेकअप के नए बहाने रहते तैयार…
हर तीसरे दिन बदला है इनका प्यार…!!!


Hii I just relocated to Hyderabad so looking for some friends with whom I can trust and speak openly…


Country first?
Religion first?
Family first ?
Love first?
Career first?


Neck Pain!


I’m confused



Ashish Raj @raj49031

Hi any girl friendship with me?


How are you
Hope you are doing fine
How is your day



Krish DN @broken_soul44



Nothing ,just chill
Enjoy every moment in life ,life is too short ,so enjoy




I actually needed a place to vent out my feelings. I am feeling so so low lately. I had never imagined my life would become so tough because of my in-laws. Since they started living with us, they have made my life a living hell. Even I can’t express this to my husband, who thinks everything is my mistake

Hrithik @hunter69

Being kind and good is not enough every time ⌚ am I right 👉? <3


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.


Need help made huge mistake, knowingly or unknowingly i made a mistake regretting need to share it



Sanveer @sanveer





Ek long distance relationship workout kaise kare aur ladke kya expect karte hai long distance relationship mai.


Not really sure … Thousands of thoughts and feelings are running on my mind…


About what??



Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @keviseno

Neilevinuo @keviseno

Hi, I’m new to here🙋, hope everyone is good, I’m vivi from Nagaland.


Hi good morning Ji

Vicky singh @vicky5911



Life sucks


Free for exploring the possibilities of bakchodi 😂👀💪


Khawashishon ko Khawashishe
Hi rhne do,
Zaroorat ban gyi toh neend nhi aayegi.


just have fun and chill.


Think less, and do whatever want to do😁






Why Depression?


Hey is there anyone with boredom if you are let’s make this boredom go away an finding someone special like friends to share 😉 thoughts and listen to each other

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harshaa @harshaaa


Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @monstar_nikhil

Nikhil verma @monstar_nik...



New here
Hope I would be able to make some friends❤️


Thank you so much for creating this space ❤️❤️❤️


Me missing badly tu peace


I don’t know what i’m doing or where life goes or if i’m on the right track. I wanna fix myself but i don’t know where to start. Need friends but also want to stay alone but mostly i just wish my first love would have remained mine.


Never mind


Well i feel more comfortable and better when there’s no one around rather than surrounded by people


Hlo guys let’s be friends for rest of our life


There were days when someone yells at us and we used to start crying n all. And now here we are smiling with a heavy heart and trying not to cry.


Does any one knows wat is love?
Love is just a word.






Trying to contemplate why I am here. Correction - why was I brought here. I didn’t ask anyone to bring me here; I wasn’t like, “Wow! Look at the world! So amazing. People killing each other, wars, poverty, climate change, global warming, capitalism, human trafficking, cruelty, corruption, fascism, abuse, violence, retribution. I wanna be a part of it all, too.”

Then why the fuck am I here?! And after being brought here against my will, I’m expected to be grateful to those two who brought me here to fulfill their own fucking selfish wishes and now have fucked up with my mental health so badly that I have moderately severe depression, CPTSD, emotional & behavioral problems, anxiety/social anxiety, attachment issues, memory loss problems because of these issues, frequent migrane and hypertension, imposter syndrome, negative body image and severe trauma issues?! Like, shut the heck up.

I shouldn’t be expected to and I will never be grateful to my abusers for what they’ve done to me. If you think that I should just because they gave me life, knock off already. I’m not as brainwashed as you are.


How this app works


Prove my mind 's thought wrong let the heart win this time


I’m going to college for the second time post covid, before this I went to give my semester exams so that time I already knew that it’s just about a month and I’ll see mom again now I’m going again and this time it’s for six months, I don’t wanna go, I feel lonely and miserable there, I feel alone and empty.




When everyday keeps on feeling like a burden And we see ourselves standing alone, there’s no escape, we feel like we’re caged. Let hope not die, one fine day we will all smile, live for such days, keep on surviving and some day you shall find a reason to stay


I wanna study but I can’t, I skipped many exams, looking for a friend who makes me happy and be here…


Don’t know



Hello Hello @hello948748



Im currently done w my 12th standard and now failing in every entrance test i give for engineering. Everything seems miserable, i don’t understand what to do next, mind is in dilemma, at this point I either drop a year or buy a seat and get into a private institution which I’m against of but again I can’t risk a whole year, what if i fail again? I know I’m more than this i always stood in top 5 in every test of my school. Im basically dead from heart now





Nothing special but I feel so lonely today I think it’s right time to leave this world 😌

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So this is my first time using this app. I always wanted to o something for myself. Loving myself in the way I am. But when I really try to understand myself I realise that I hate myself too much that I can’t ever love me. 🙂But each day pass by i only realise one thing that nobody loves me nobody is there for me when I suffer. Only I was there for me. So i wanna try. Even though I am not the person i want to be right now but i hope in the future i can be a little more proud in myself. So i am taking the first step 😚 hope it works out💙💙

hasini @hasini

I want a friend

hasini @hasini

I want a friend with 14+




Hey… does anyone feel like quitting already…


Know buddy love me ek br saccha pyr hua bhi to breakup ho gya jbse wo ehsas kbhi hua he nhi


I need to chill out. I think I crossed a line with a friend with benefits and we’re on bad terms. I fucked up


Just want someone to talk about things or two


Well does anyone have solution to this
My ex is blackmailing me with things that he has his ways to make me talk to him





nik Mishra @nikhil_mishra



I am new so i cant say anything


#New to this
Hope to see good vibes ahead 🤗

HARSHIl Patel @haru07

All day same and same night,
But morning and evening 🌆 just like u
One new hope meet to you…

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Hi Would like to learn more about how this works


I am really disturbed and tired I can’t take it all sometimes numb sometimes anxious

R @r13mn

Hello… I’m new to this app. Anyone here, who can guide me?




Hello Family…!
I am very new to this application, need some assistance how to use this properly. Thanks in advance ☺️


Hello Family…!

I am very new to this application, need some assistance how to use this properly. Thanks in advance ☺️






Please help me end my life


I am sick of everything


Anyone is free for chat?


I’m a girl. I love music, making loads of friends from different places. I honestly enjoy it when someone flirts with me…lol 😄😂


I feel quite low today. Honestly I never fell soo depressed before




Life is a blessing.
Each day is a new beginning.
Make the most of each day.
Be the light in someone’s life.
Happiness is contagious.


Hello :)

Shubham @abcdefghij

Started the morning feeling overwhelmed!


That I don’t belong in any part of the world in any place, era.






Nothing Much


Well another day but things are the same aren’t they .


Friendship is better than any relationship.


No one can be sure if a person’s destiny is like a cloud, floating on a fixed current situation that it can’t escape, or if people are able to ride whatever breeze they choose.
No one know.
No one completely understand it yet and may be the destination is the same, no matter what you choose.


I have so many friends…but why do I feel so alone?


Good evening girls


Any1 single 😹

Shreya Shinde @iam_283

Been on a diet for 2 weeks and proud to say I lost 14 days of happiness as if I have any




I’m army girl


I am new to this… and i need company


Hello everyone


Am feeling very lonely I used to cry

Dubey @yogendradubey

Be honest with every person. If u not earn money lots no problem but be a good human being


i thik we didn’t find the real meaning of life some people know that nd others call them mad they are not mad they are just beautiful nd kind so much to every much because the real purpose of life is making everyone happy nd comfortable


I’m feeling bad on myself and i do things which makes me feel the same everyday damm my head and thinking 😭


Life can change in any moment please wait for that moment

Rick bond @someone0

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud…


I am confused


Feeling Bored!


Thank you, it’s nice


Need someone with whom I can have a meaningful conversations. Want to share my feelings and need some advice.




I want to find a true love

Dani veloz @daani

I like good friendship

Dani veloz @daani

I want so many friends

Aditi @aditi_r

Heyyyyy there!!
I’m aditi,
Actually I’m new here but I’m pretty sure that this place will be more beautiful than WhatsApp and Instagram :/
Anyway, hope u all had a good day and if not then it’s ok…
Idk what I’m writing but I’m just writing it :)
Because I am happy rn…so hi again and
Take care of yourself through this journey of life <3


Being alone is better then get hurt from someone we trest and love most 🚶‍♂


I feel like after I got less marks in 12th and failed 3 times in Neet i lose my self esteem and for outer validation…i always got into relationships … but i don’t find my perfect person since 20s and always settle for less…i always starts my self growth journey but at some point i lose my motivation and got into these toxic things …i find my life boring and uninteresting


I feel lost and alone . As if all my hard work all this time means nothing


Nice n simple


I hope someone just sees ne for who I am for a change

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @iamphenomenal22

Shivam Swami @iamphenomena...

Accentuate the positive, Eliminate the Negative, latch onto the affirmative.

Pankaj Sharma @_nomadic

There is only one person who is going to be with you in any condition, and not gonna leave you ,no matter how worst the situation is.
And that single person is #YOU only…✌️

Divyansh_Rana @devrana_99


Anisha Ammu @honeysha

Boring life

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @mr_raviteja

Raviteja @mr_raviteja

“You cannot do harm to someone because someone has done harm to you. You will pay just like they will.”

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sapphireknight

Anupam @sapphireknight

Life’s moving so fast, and it’s bringing new people along with it , yet it seems so difficult to open up to a new person , when you are used to being betrayed or forgotten

Ajay Dhawan @ajaydhawan


Ansh Mishra @anshmishra_07

Hii any introvert here??




I am sad now


Smiling is the best medicine💊💊😊


I’m so confused in my life, it’s getting worst day by day!




I missing my dad 👨


People may say anything but I want to build relationships with love and tender care


I need to make friends


Hello friends 😁


Hello good morning


कभी कभी जिंदगी की खुशी EK WHATSAPP KA STATUS KI TARAH LAGTI HAI कुछ समय के लिए। आकर चली जाती है


I’m exhausted with life. with failures, unemployed, want to do something to change my life


Love you all


so till before lockdown and everything I used to have ymtons of friends at school and I was quite popular. but now in my new school it’s kinda my last school year nobody really knows me and it bugs me. I hv lesser friends and I feel like I’m stuck in my old days and hence can’t make friends in this new place although it’s been almost 6 months here. sad?


I am not happy


Feeling lonely


What’s up




AI definitely hit us in future.




The weather here is pleasant, but that doesn’t ease my mind. Studying for 4 hours non-stops does effect. Only wishing I have a buddy to share my worries and have a peace of mind.


I want learn English


Guys i am new here

Sakib Shaikh @sakib



Wanna meet some new friends 🌈✨️


To share and spend sometime with someone who understands me well


Got an ‘f’ in my pil practicals today feeling very low , cannot share it with anyone and i cannot stop thinking about it, so stressed as well.

Md Sanjar @sanjar



Always trying to do better 😉


Always trying to do better 😉

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Life is all about spreading happiness everywhere and being kind to everyone. We do not loss anything by giving someone some happiness and some kind words and just a smile. So please… If you can spread happiness and positivity but do not spread negativity, sorrows around you… Have a great day everyday…❤️




Hello guys


No way

Subho Ghosh @ych



I just want to talk to someone. Kinda feel lonely at times, and then that frustrates me. May be because of adulthood, i don’t know , just kind of confused as to what’s really going on and more importantly why ??


In this world everyone need a campanion who care about her/him and i am one of them and 15

Leo @iiiiiiiiii


Jaanvi gul @jd786


Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @mou_smriya

mouuu @mou_smriya

Hey there I am actually new here…and as I can see people here are so friendly and they are so understanding…so I hope i can also get some good advice as well😃


Hii …

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @vinayshukla78

Vinay Shukla @vinayshukla7...

Somewhere i heard that
People’s lives are forever controlled by two emotions:
Fear and greed.

Vijayeta Tirwa @vijayeta


Vijayeta Tirwa @vijayeta





Bored need someone to speak




I just feel empty , i lost interest to study from the past couple of weeks






With each passing of seconds life feels to banal yet exciting. Does anyone ever feel like the real challenge is not about finding your purpose but rather finding your peace!

Chui Mui @devilheart

Behind every smile of happiness there always a story of pain


I am feeling anxious


Thanks 💀


Actually I’m feeling quite low and down lately , I really liked a guy for past 5 years and I still like him secretly I never had the courage to confess my feeling and he stay next street itself so every time he passes by I take a glance at him and he does the same .But in these 5 years we never spoke even once all we did was see each other and stalk that it i don’t even know if he likes me or not and or families kind of had a fight and are very bitter towards each other and don’t even speak and i don’t even feel like seeing other men and I was loyal in this meaningless relation and wasted my time while he was chatting with unknown people and following adult pages on ig I feel like I wasted 5 years on absolutely nothing even though I knew we could never be together still my heart doesn’t let me detached.


Ummm…my thoughts are I don’t think i am in control of my life and freedom


Idk y my lyf is like hell…! But it happens most of the tym i feel like i am dying…

Jot Singh @jot_singh

Tell me your one dream…


Well, thoughts depends on many internal & external situations
It has diversity with time & conditions




Felt and left

Same letters, but different priorities…

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Yes 🥺🥺


Felling lonely…i want a girl in my life 😩…


Better one hear

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Yes. This is a great platform. Am happy to be here

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

We are glad you liked our app. Thank you so much for sharing your love and support. It truly means the world to us.

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I don’t know bt I crave myself and I will put my 100percent this time to earn what i lost while being disregarded by myself
*I hope this birthday brings me none bt me to be my other half for life
*nothing is as scary as life without your inner soul which wants to fall n rise in self love

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

It’s inspiring to hear your determination to rediscover and prioritize yourself. Embrace this journey with courage and compassion for yourself.

LOKENDRA KURMI @lokendraku...

Why people always trust the wrong person and when the right person comes they stop trusting

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

It can be disheartening when people place trust in the wrong person, only to become hesitant when the right person enters their lives.






Goodoings we like 💐🙏




Life me jo kuch bhi galat hota hai humare sath zaruri ni hum uska jawab de ya sabak sikhaye leave everything on Allah wo hai na sab dekh raha hai or Behtar ni behtareen karta hai😊

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Thank your valuable insights friend 🤍✨🧡




ಓ ಗೆಳತಿಯೆ
ವರ್ಣಿಸುವೆ ನಿನ್ನ ಗೆಳೆತನ ಹರಡಿ ನಾ ಇಬ್ಬನಿಯಂತೆ
ನಿನ್ನಂದ ಬಣ್ಣಿಸುವೆ ನಾ ಶ್ವೇತಪತ್ರದಿ ಕವನದಂತೆ
ನಿನ್ನ ಕಂಗಳು ಇರುಳು ಬಾನಲ್ಲಿ ಮಿನುಗು ತಾರೆಯಂತೆ
ನೀ ನೆಟ್ಟ ಪ್ರೀತಿ ಪೈರಿಗೆ ಬೇರಾಗುವೆ ನಾ ಕರುನಾಡ ಮಣ್ಣಂತೆ

ಓ ಗೆಳತಿಯೆ
ನನ್ನೆದೆ ಗೂಡಲ್ಲಿ ಗೋಚರಿಸಿದ ಸಿಹಿ ಎದೆಬಡಿತವಾದೆ ನೀ
ನಾವಿಕನ ಅರಿವಲ್ಲಿ ಮೂಡಿದ ಪ್ರೇಮಕವಿತೆಯಾದೆ ನೀ
ನಾ ಬರೆದ ಕವನಗಳ ಮಿಡಿತಕ್ಕೆ ಸೂಚಿತ ರಾಗವಾದೆ ನೀ
ಪದಗೊಳ ಅಡಗಿದ್ದ ಇರುಳನ್ನು ಮಾಸಿದ ಮಿರುಗಾದೆ ನೀ



ಓ ಗೆಳತಿಯೆ 
ವರ್ಣಿಸುವೆ ನಿನ್ನ ಗೆಳೆತನ ಹರಡಿ ನಾ ಇಬ್ಬನಿಯಂತೆ
ನಿನ್ನಂದ ಬಣ್ಣಿಸುವೆ ನಾ ಶ್ವೇತಪತ್ರದಿ ಕವನದಂತೆ
ನಿನ್ನ ಕಂಗಳು ಇರುಳು ಬಾನಲ್ಲಿ ಮಿನುಗು ತಾರೆಯಂತೆ
ನೀ ನೆಟ್ಟ ಪ್ರೀತಿ ಪೈರಿಗೆ ಬೇರಾಗುವೆ  ನಾ ಕರುನಾಡ ಮಣ್ಣಂತೆ

ಓ ಗೆಳತಿಯೆ
ನನ್ನೆದೆ ಗೂಡಲ್ಲಿ ಗೋಚರಿಸಿದ ಸಿಹಿ ಎದೆಬಡಿತವಾದೆ ನೀ
ನಾವಿಕನ ಅರಿವಲ್ಲಿ ಮೂಡಿದ  ಪ್ರೇಮಕವಿತೆಯಾದೆ ನೀ
ನಾ ಬರೆದ ಕವನಗಳ ಮಿಡಿತಕ್ಕೆ ಸೂಚಿತ ರಾಗವಾದೆ ನೀ
ಪದಗೊಳ ಅಡಗಿದ್ದ ಇರುಳನ್ನು ಮಾಸಿದ ಮಿರುಗಾದೆ ನೀ


Hello oka pichi pilla thappi poindi arey nana nv okavela ekkada unte nak text chei ra nana




Hi guys

Zain Ali @zaina5000000


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whoknows @queintin20


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