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Women EmpowermentThought

Avni @avni

We need more strong representations of healthy masculine characters to show that masculinity can be a helpful ally to feminism while showing that masculine does not mean buff or leader. It also means kind and considerate and observant and facilitating.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn
4 replies

No one 111 @jarul

Being a man doesn’t have to mean toxic masculinity


Also the notion that as a man you should be tsundere and detached , unemotional needs to be let go of


That’s true

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

Everyone has feelings. Some just don’t express them. Quote Melanie Martinez, 'One of the things that makes women better than men is our capacity to express our emotions." Something like that, I haven’t watched K - 12 in a while.


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