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We met on tinder and since then we have been talking daily . But since few days, I am feeling extra pressure on myself regarding talking to him and also, he is at an excellent place in his career right now and I am not . I feel pressurised sometimes, when there’s discussion about career and all. I feel inferior and uncertainty of the future really makes me anxious about it . Should I stop talking to him ? Should I stop thinking. I don’t know what to do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pearldhand
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

So , The thing is love or attraction or any feelings are very beautiful at the beginning , but soon we lose that same level of excitement that we once had , even i gone through the same with my ex and it doesnt seem like we did mistakes , it wasn’t any of us both that denied each other , its just that we didnt felt the connection anymore , all good things come to an end right? ☺️❤️


If you are really into him, talk to him how you feel. Sometimes it’s all in our head and it’s easy if we talk it out.

Tip : when you are talking to him, tell him how much he means to you.


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Thank you so much whosoever you are. It is really helpful. Thanks love.


You know its time you work more on your career. Talk to him about this, if he cares for you he will understand and give you space for you to grow and do better in your career. Also its perfectly fine if two people arent on the same page career wise as long as they give each other chance to grow and do better and motivate them.


Thank you so much dear. Thanks a lot .


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