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We have been together for 6 years. He does not want to introduce me to his parents. Should I just give up?

5 replies

What is ur age…are you close to marriage


Im 28. He’s 25. I am not thinking about marriage. I just want to have a date with him that is not hidden from both our families. Last time we met was actually more than 2 months ago.


Yeahh i think he is mature enough to share that he is dating someone with his parents u should surely talk to him and tell him what u feel like bcoz at this age obviously u need to have clarity about ur relationship it’s not an age where u can just have fun without thinking about future, if he really loves u he will understand, just be clear and loving during the conversation

Cat Valentine @catvalentin...

I guess you should talk to him nd ask whts going on in his head.means be straightforward.


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