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3am ThoughtsThought


We build this beautiful relationship for entire last year
We Shared same feeling , I confessed , she refused, we agreed on friendship, got even more closer
Suddenly a day she left for another country, we kept the promise that one day we will meet again.
We stayed in touch for months , and convince each other that distance will not drift us apart! everything became textual,but slowly slowly we started to loose the touch, something changed.
I tried to reach out , but all I got that she is busy.
one day she told that she started to get more practical.
And the text notification got silent too.

It’s been a month now…
From sharing entire day with her too now not knowing who she is!!
It’s a terrible feeling to have!
I have missed her everyday, I tried but can’t get out of my head!!
I hope things gets better for me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
7 replies

I hope things get better for you too
You might have to start letting her go and getting out of your head
Maybe she’s already moved on you need to do the same for yourself as hard as it is


Moving on doesn’t stop you from loving her
Waiting will only tear you a part
Sometimes you have to love yourself more than your partner that’s what makes you a real lover

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Thanks!! Your support means a lot!


Would you like to private message? Maybe we can figure it out together

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

It happens, sometimes you gotta move on and find a good person for yourself. It’s not your fault, you were a good friend…maybe could have been a great partner too but it’s their fault that they don’t value it. So we gotta move on. You will get a good partner…don’t worry. Take care bro 🧡


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