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Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

“We are like butterflies, who flutter for a day and thinks it is forever”
- Carl Sagan

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts
Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm
6 replies

For wast creatures, such as we the vastness is bearable only through love❤️
~ also by carl Sagan

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

True, nice quote, though it may be just a day for a seer but for a butterfly, it could be a life span.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

Beautiful said. I wonder if one can look at life through the lens of Einstein’s relativity.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

Oh thank you, that would make one’s life quite insignificant. It better to stay simple and have right senses. Life is to celebrate, in whatever form we live, without arrogance and intentions to hurt anyone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acefirestorm

Mehul Nagle @acefirestorm

I believe perspective is what makes “a” life significant or insignificant. In the grandest scheme of things, my life is as insignificant to the universe as a bug’s to me. A relativistic point of view may help us understand the concept better. But if one does decide to live life irrespective of what it means for the grandest scheme, then it should be the way you said it. :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

Some how i am incapable to understand the grandest plans or the words of god. I am happy to be good enough in my own capacity. Thank you


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