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3am ThoughtsThought

Sneha Pardeshi @okaysneha

Was I too soft or was the world too hard?

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Sneha Pardeshi @okaysneha

Yaaa, the world was hard and i choose to be soft with it

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Sneha Pardeshi @okaysneha

Yaaa am being myself, soft and gentle no matter how harsh the world is


The world’s too harsh and no one can/will prepare you for it.

Sneha Pardeshi @okaysneha

Well yaa that’s true, but am preparing myself to bare the harshness of the world


The world is just too hard

Sneha Pardeshi @okaysneha

Yaaa and we choose to be too soft with it


Maybe the world needs more people to be softer

Sneha Pardeshi @okaysneha



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