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Wanna move away to London…
Why is it so difficult for my parents to understand that I will be happy there …how do I make them understand that I will be capable of doing things alone … how do I make them understand not to worry about me …just because they worry about me refrains me from going anywhere…aaaahhhhhhh …feels like screaming out …also I am being paranoid …what if they don’t understand what if I am not able to move out of here

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Krishna Patel @kp162

Well next year I will be done with my mbbs and this is for my md so yaa MD in other countries is equivalent to kind of jobs I’ll be paid 30k pounds in start which will gradually increase to 90k pounds with the level of training so it is basically getting trained and getting paid …
And no academic fees also
So everything is so perfect and that is why I wanna move out

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author
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They will definitely understand. Believe it. ❤️
I know it is hard sometimes, donot lose hope sweetie🌸 it’ll all be well


Thank you so much 💝💞


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