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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Wanna hurt myself because i cant bare the emotional pain anymore. I cant handle the pain. I can literally feel that something is breaking inside of me.

33 replies
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Hey, just take a moment right now and take a deep breath.


I am such a weak person


No the fact that you are still breathing and facing this shows what a strong person you are. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.


I dont know. I know relationships cause pain but i guess there is limit to everything right? and now its just too much


I totally get it. Relationships sometimes just push you to the edge. But no person is worth your life. If someone has caused you so much pain, why would you give up your life? The fact that you’re still facing this pain, shows how strong you are

Samik Suri @samiksuri23

No no sweetheart! You got this!


I dont know


I totally know what you’re going through because I’ve been in the exact same place many many times. One time, I actually took some pills to try and hurt myself, I woke up puking and hence was taken to the hospital. At that moment, the doctor found out I had severe pneumonia and if I hadn’t been hospitalised, I could’ve died. At that moment it made me realise how lucky I am to live. Believe me, it’s never the answer even though it feels like it is.


I just want it to stop whatever way possible but i am holding myself back


Deep breath. Think of your happy place. Think of the things that make you happy.


That would make me feel what mess i am into and i can never be that happy ever again


There’s a reason you came here and shared this experience with us. Think of all of us as a family. We’re here to listen to you and support you. Think of all of us talking to you here as holding your hand, giving you a shoulder to cry on if you need. Make a new happy place.


That means alotttttt and you dont know what you have just said, i am literally crying while reading this


I’m just glad I could help in any way. I have tears in my eyes too because I wish I had this place when I was in a situation like yours. Sometimes it’s difficult to share with people you know but easier to share with someone who will just give you support without any judgement. Everybody here is there for you. Take care and please work on your situation when you feel mentally fit to do so. Lots of love.



Samik Suri @samiksuri23

Please trust Me, visit a therapist. It’s really important okay? We are here :)


My family, they wont understand

Samik Suri @samiksuri23

Is there any way you can make them understand or visit a specialist by your own?



Samik Suri @samiksuri23

Um, I think there are sites which provide free counselling


Can you suggest me some?

Samik Suri @samiksuri23

Sure, I need to search and I’ll get back to you. Add me?

Samik Suri @samiksuri23





Read book . Reason to stay alive. It’s will help u

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But its getting too much

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I am trying my best, trust me

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