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wanna end it all
it’s just getting too much for me to handle…how much more of this I’ll have to survive
finding no worth in holding on
just done
I am no longer living, just surviving with a fake mask on of a happy bubbly human being
and no one really cares

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nick4568
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nick4568

Nick Hughes @nick4568

I been in your position for the past two months and felt depressed since I was a teen. You gotta stay hopeful for the future, you have to be strong. Something more amazing than you can think can happen to you, true love traveling to amazing places good times with new friends. Life is worth living you can’t give up. Working out is the best thing you can do for your mind. Activities you love and meeting new people there are still some good ones out there. I’m here to talk anytime things will get better love and patience




I’ve been in psychiatric hospitals for the past year. Having major depression myself, I really do understand you. I know you’re really frustrated that everyone’s telling you to do something to take your mind off it or that you have some leverage. That really does suck. Having been hospitalized while I was at that low, I want to tell you that your symptoms can be managed. I at least want you to try. You are more than what you can’t control. Depression does not define you. I want you to consult a/your psychiatrist as soon as possible, and have you start/up/supp your meds. Give them 6 weeks. In the waiting period I want you to really try hard to push yourself. Let’s aim for one meaningful daily interaction with someone. if you’re feeling low and don’t have anyone, come back to this thread. if you have no one that cares, come here. As a stranger I promise to be here for every reply. take care

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @nick4568

Nick Hughes @nick4568

Beautiful words I’m here if you need someone to talk to


sure I will


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