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x_xyz @xdevilx

Veryyyyyyy alone
So I am not able to sleep these days well(2-3hrs sleep) and I told this to him and he sarcastically said try bumping your head in the wall so I said not a bad idea should I try it?
This made him angry and we haven’t talked all day and as usual if I don’t text him first we won’t talk and this is killing me. I am taking a lot of caffeine these days because I m kinda addicted to it. I feel like he never understands me and whenever I tell him that I feel like he will leave me because I am so insecure about myself All he ever says is stop talking bullshit and gets mad at me. He never tries to think from my point of view and it is so exhausting and I feel like I have no one to talk to and no one can ever understand me. I have a traumatic past which makes me insecure about my friendships, relationships and I think it a HUGE PROBLEM for me and I still think no one will stay forever with me and I will be never understood and loved. Somedays he is so sweet to me but other days he behaves as if he doesn’t care at all, I mean yeah he does tries to but there are no efforts.

I am so “EXHAUSTED” from all this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @justseeking
Profile picture for Now&Me member @soul_reaper_
40 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @justseeking

Satyajit @justseeking

Let’s chat!

x_xyz @xdevilx

Yaaaaaaaa I need to

x_xyz @xdevilx

U there?

Sourabh Shukla @gary24

Let’s talk


sure where?

x_xyz @xdevilx

Do I have to download the app?

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x_xyz @xdevilx

I am not on tg.
Let’s text on meet.

x_xyz @xdevilx


Profile picture for Now&Me member @soul_reaper_

丂O͠ႮĹ @soul_reaper_

Well alot of ppl are Lonely here including me and yeah so far i guess i can understand and can relate to you alot well i am really really good at consoling people because yeah im super emotional person who puts emotions as top priority also friendships and yeah if you happen to be my friend I am sure from my side i can stay till the very end of the world IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO STAY THERE FOREVER REGARDLESS OF WHATEVER KINDA BOND IT MAY BE. so yeah cheers to our sadness and to be able to stay forever and yeah if you feel like venting out then you can do it with me in personal chat as well by connecting me or adding me whatever it is called Be strong we are not alone 😥HERE… A HUG FOR YOU🤗

x_xyz @xdevilx

I am trying to be strong. Easier said than done. I am breaking every day. Tired of putting a fake smile and no one notices. I know no one cares and this hurts.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soul_reaper_

丂O͠ႮĹ @soul_reaper_

What ? you just havent found the right person who cares who wants to care I WANT TO CARE ! do you want me to care ? that’s your decision but yeah I want to care and i would really like to care because we can relate to eachother and i feel you and how are you struggling with all this… ive been through it long ago and recently something else similar so i know and i wish to care and help and be there as a nice good person who stays in someone’s life for long term who becomes their last hope and the only hope a person whom they can hug and cry it out a person whom they can count on when they cry in their saddest times besides… in good times everyone’s there but the real ones are those who are there for you in your hardest times and i am willing to be there as a good friend !so please don’t feel like no one cares 😥COZ I DO🥺

x_xyz @xdevilx

U know…honestly speaking
For me right now u r a stranger. right? so if u tell me u care then it doesn’t change much for me not when I have been betrayed twice by my closest friends and now I feel like shit and I am extremely sorry if that offended you but I don’t know what is going on anymore and I am addicted to mental pain so I let others hurt me because I’d rather be low than to feel nothing at all.

Anjali Tiwari @anjali23

I think you uh should try his suggestion out of bumping your head

x_xyz @xdevilx

Yeah and then what?


Don’t get too attached to anyone. People are temporary & you have to accept it.

x_xyz @xdevilx

I don’t want to believe this because it will shatter me.

Domnik @domnik07

Let’s chat

x_xyz @xdevilx

x_xyz @xdevilx

No cam and mic.
Just text.

x_xyz @xdevilx

U there?

Sourabh Shukla @gary24

Can I also connect?

Domnik @domnik07


x_xyz @xdevilx

Wait I am sending another link. You guys didn’t showed up so I ended it.

x_xyz @xdevilx

x_xyz @xdevilx


Sourabh Shukla @gary24

Wait I m joining

Saitama @deepsearcher

U know what each and everyone will say chat with me…, but instead u should dump that fucking guy and start living alone…to feel better…

x_xyz @xdevilx

He is caring just not understanding. He is from a very nice family who supports him and I am from a family who only gives trauma and restrictions so he will take time to understand my problems but the problem is he doesn’t try to understand me gets mad at me all the time and each time I talk about that I feel you will leave me.

Saitama @deepsearcher

Lol, 1st of all if he was caring u shouldn’t be like this…so its better to come of out imagination and face the truth… its hard but its good …

x_xyz @xdevilx

It is just not hard but sooooooo SAD and I’d rather be sad woth him than to be alone I guess
Accepting reality is not easy and IDK how to do it.
Dumping him? I don’t want to
I can’t and I won’t. I don’t want to dump him. All I want is to make hi understand my mental issues.

Saitama @deepsearcher

See , I faced the same thing and I know how painful it is… I literally cried with tears … but now I’m much better atleast better from a false imaginative world…
That’s why if u don’t get respect just say fuck off to them. They don’t deserve you…

Saitama @deepsearcher

Its reality its better u should face it…
I faced the same thing and in that process I cried many times but now I’m much better…

Rounak Jus @yaashu

Dm ,me going through same problem🥺🥺😭, i can understand

Neeraj @opiu

Hlo hi how’re you

Nilu Sharma @pratikd

Let’s chat


It’s ok at least you have someone. I don’t have any friends or someone with whom i can talk about my problems. Most of the time i feel lonely and text random people only social media who obviously don’t reply. If you can talk then reply maybe we can help eachother in someway.

Party Lover @rohan422

Hey, i wish you recover soon. I have alrealy deal with many people who were in such conditions. The only thing required is to complete your sleep first to relax up your mind and heart yourself less. Hard time will not pass unless you get a deserving care. I hope you understand. We all will say time will change everthing but that time never happens unless someone comes out and cover up your thoughts and change them to a different vibe. Hope to see your recovery soon. Bbye.


You wanna know why he gets mad at you when you say all these things? It’s cause he loves you and wants you to get it in your head. Have some confidence in yourself. You don’t have to be insecure with everyone. Instead of feelings like they will leave me be like i will love him so much that he will never even think about leaving me. Past is past. Present is present so work on it to have the best future you deserve

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