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Very sad and depressed. I am 21 years old women and I fall in love with my boyfriend last three years ago. And, last two year ago, I moved to him and we lived together. Sometimes we had a lot of arguments and sometimes we were really happy. But now, he wants me to move out from our current house and he decided not to stay with me anymore and he said he hates me. He doesn’t want to spend the times with me, he always stay at his friend house when he got back from work. And came back very late everyday. I had a bad habit that I never think when I talk with someone. I always feel he cares and love his friends more than me. So, I always trying to compare with them. After that, we fight again. This is my first time that I feel want to spend my whole life with him. But now, all of these are gone and I don’t want to leave from our house but he said if I don’t he will report the police. I am very afraid and I don’t know what should I do?

3 replies

I have gone through what you are going through now, like exactly, 100% same situation. Everything you just described, describes my exact situation … I would say try to move on if you can, and focus on yourself, your future, career etc. first. You deserve to be happy, and if this relationship isn’t making you happy (you may think it does now, but try and think about it this way: If all would be good in the relationship, then it wouldn’t have gone this way …) I know it’s hard, and yes you will feel bad and cry a lot for quite a while, but you’ll only be stronger with time, believe me. I have spent too much time trying to get back together and make things work even though deep inside I knew it wasn’t going to happen. I know how you feel right now, I’m still trying to figure it all out after only a month, but I kept crying and trying, until I just realized “enough is enough”. You can’t force someone to love you if it’s not that way anymore. And I’m sure you’re a wonderful person, and so you deserve so much better than to feel this way! Keep the faith and keep working on a brighter future for yourself!


i really don’t know. that is very hurt, i am very afraid that i cannot make it


I am 28 and same happened to me the only difference was … he was my fiancee… it is very imp to think before you speak … no matter who the person is… and also never ever tell people everything about yourself


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